CERN Accelerating science

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Lattice gas model for monolayer of amphipatic molecules / Pekalski, A
- 1984. - 13 p.
Magnetic lattice gas of molecules with internal structure / Dudek, M R ; Pekalski, A
IPUW-593 ; WROCLAW-P-593.
- 1983. - 34 p.
CERN library copies
Simple model of a disordered magnetic lattice gas / Ausloos, M ; Clippe, P ; Kowalski, J M ; Pekalska, J ; Pekalski, A
IPUW-578 ; WROCLAW-P-578.
- 1983. - 22 p.
CERN library copies
Magnetic lattice gas / Ausloos, M ; Clippe, P ; Kowalski, J M ; Pekalski, A
IPUW-509 ; WROCLAW-P-509.
- 1980. - 57 p.
CERN library copies
Permeability of thin random media / Pekalski, A
IFT-UWr-823 ; ITP-UWr-823.
- 1992. - 25 p.
CERN library copies
Remark on the application of the effective Hamiltonian method for random systems / Mrozinska, Z ; Pekalski, A
IPUW-489 ; Wroclaw-P-489.
- 1979. - 13 p.
CERN library copies
Random mixtures annealed and quenched Ising Bond model / Pekalski, A ; Oguchi, T
IPUW-322 ; Wroclaw P 322.
- 1975. - 18 p.
Thermodynamic functions for finite-spin Ising chains / Dudek, M R ; Pekalski, A
IPUW-605 ; WROCLAW-P-605.
- 1984. - 22 p.
CERN library copies
Critical temperature for Ising systems with regularly arranged impurities / Pekalski, A
IPUW-500 ; WROCLAW-P-500.
- 1980. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Cellular automata approach to relaxation in the Lorentz gas / Oleksy, C ; Pekalski, A
IFT-UWR-718 ; ITP-UWR-718.
- 1989. - 22 p.
CERN library copies

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