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CERN Document Server Sök i 2,045 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.16 sekunder. 
Egs4 Shower Display System (egs4pict) Windows Version 2.0 / Hirayama, H ; Namito, Y ; Ban, S ; Ikeda, R ; Tokuda, Y
- 1996.
EGS4 shower display system, EGS4PICT(2), windows version / Hirayama, H ; Namito, Y ; Ban, S ; Ikeda, R ; Tokuda, Y
- 1994. - 28 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
EGS shower display system; 1, MS-DOS version (In Japanese) / Hirayama, H ; Namito, Y ; Ban, S ; Ikeda, R
KEK-Int-94-6 ; KEK-Internal-94-6.
- 1994. - 25 p.
CERN library copies
1st International Workshop on EGS4 - EGS4   26 - 29 Aug 1997  - Tsukuba, Japan  / Hirayama, H (ed.); Namito, Y (ed.); Ban, S (ed.)
Tsukuba : KEK, 1997 - 332 p. KEK-Proceedings-97-16
7th EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan   30 Jul - 1 Aug 1998  - Tsukuba, Japan  / Hirayama, H (ed.); Namito, Y (ed.); Ban, S (ed.)
Tsukuba : KEK, 1998 - 100 p. KEK-Proceedings-98-7
6th EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan   29 - 31 Jul 1996  - Tsukuba, Japan  / Hirayama, H (ed.); Namito, Y (ed.); Ban, S (ed.)
Tsukuba : KEK, 1996 - 128 p. KEK-Proceedings-96-10
5th EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan   23 - 25 Jul 1995  - Tsukuba, Japan  / Ban, S (ed.); Hirayama, H (ed.); Namito, Y (ed.)
Tsukuba : KEK, 1995 - 127 p. KEK-Proceedings-95-9
Systematic Comparisons Of Measurements And Egs4 Regarding 20-40 Kev Photons / Namito, Y ; Ban, S ; Hirayama, H ; Nariyama, N ; Nakashima, H ; Nakane, Yoshihiro ; Tanaka, S I
- 1999.
EGS4 Benchmark program / Yasu, Y ; Hirayama, H ; Namito, Y ; Yashiro, S
KEK-95-112.- Tsukuba : KEK, 1995 - 17 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 5th EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan, Tsukuba, Japan, 23 - 25 Jul 1995, pp.17-32 - CERN library copies
Improvements Of Low-energy Photon Transport In Egs4 / Namito, Y ; Hirayama, H ; Ban, S
- 1997.

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