CERN Accelerating science

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Validation of Geant4 Proton Scattering / Schwarz, Sacha (CERN)
In the context of a CERN summer student project, a testing application has been developed as a part of the Geant4 testing infrastructure allowing to validate combined electromagnetic and hadronic models for elastic scattering. [...]
- 2013
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Validation Test of Geant4 Simulation of Electron Backscattering / Kim, Sung Hun (Hanyang U.) ; Pia, Maria Grazia (INFN, Genoa) ; Basaglia, Tullio (CERN) ; Han, Min Cheol (Hanyang U.) ; Hoff, Gabriela ; Kim, Chan Hyeong (Hanyang U.) ; Saracco, Paolo (INFN, Genoa)
Backscattering is a sensitive probe of the accuracy of electron scattering algorithms implemented in Monte Carlo codes. The capability of the Geant4 toolkit to describe realistically the fraction of electrons backscattered from a target volume is extensively and quantitatively evaluated in comparison with experimental data retrieved from the literature. [...]
arXiv:1502.01507.- 2015 - 29 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 62 (2015) 451-479 Fulltext: PDF; IEEE Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Validation of New GEANT4 Electromagnetic Processes / Hung, Tsz Hong
In this report, a study on new electromagnetic physics models from GEANT4 (GEometry ANd Tracking) toolkit is presented. [...]
- 2024
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Validating production of PET radionuclides in solid and liquid targets: Comparing Geant4 predictions with FLUKA and measurements / Amin, T (Huddersfield U.) ; Infantino, A (CERN) ; Barlow, R (Huddersfield U.) ; Hoehr, C (TRIUMF)
The Monte Carlo toolkit Geant4 is used to simulate the production of a number of positron emitting radionuclides: 13 N, 18 F, 44 Sc, 52 Mn, 55 Co 61 Cu, 68 Ga, 86 Y, 89 Zr and 94 Tc, which have been produced using a 13 MeV medical cyclotron. The results are compared to previous simulations with the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and experimental measurements. [...]
2017 - 7 p. - Published in : Appl. Radiat. Isot. 133 (2018) 61-67 Fulltext: PDF;
Validation of Neutrons in Geant4 Using TARC Data - production, interaction and transportation / Howard, A (CERN)
The TARC (Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing) experiment has been simulated with the Geant4 toolkit. The experiment measured neutron production from 2.5 GeV/c and 3.5 GeV/c protons incident on high purity lead. [...]
In : Nuclear Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 29 Oct - 4 Nov 2006, pp.1506 - 1510
Geant4 models for simulation of multiple scattering / Ivanchenko, V N (Moscow State U. ; CERN) ; Kadri, O (NCNST, Tunis, Tunisia) ; Maire, M (Annecy, LAPP ; Geant4 Associates International Ltd, UK) ; Urban, L (Geant4 Associates International Ltd, UK)
Recent progress in development of single and multiple scattering models within the Geant4 toolkit is presented. Different options available to users are discussed [...]
2010 - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 219 (2010) 032045
In : 17th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 - 27 Mar 2009, pp.032045
Validation of Geant4 Releases with distributed resources / Dotti, Andrea (CERN)
In this paper we present the strategy and tools used to accomplish physics validation of the GEANT4 simulation toolkit. GEANT4 is a toolkit for the simulation of passage of radiation through matter. [...]
2012 - 9 p.

In : Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012, New York, NY, USA, 21 - 25 May 2012, pp.032033
Validation of Geant4 10.3 simulation of proton interaction for space radiation effects / Ivanchenko, Vladimir (CERN ; Tomsk State U.) ; Dondero, Paolo (SWHARD SRL, Genova) ; Fioretti, Valentina (IASF, Bologna) ; Ivantchenko, Anton (Geant4 Assoc.) ; Lei, Fan (RadMod Reserach, Hampshire) ; Lotti, Simone (INAF, Rome) ; Mantero, Alfonso (SWHARD SRL, Genova) ; Mineo, Teresa (IASF, Palermo)
Monte Carlo simulation of space radiation effects induced by protons is important for design of space missions. Geant4 is a well established toolkit for Monte Carlo simulation focused on high energy physics applications. [...]
2017 - 14 p. - Published in : Exp. Astron. 44 (2017) 437-450
Electron backscattering simulation in Geant4 / Dondero, Paolo (SWHARD S.R.L., Genoa) ; Mantero, Alfonso (SWHARD S.R.L., Genoa) ; Ivanchencko, Vladimir (CERN ; Geant4 Assoc. ; Tomsk State U.) ; Lotti, Simone (INAF, IAPS, Rome) ; Mineo, Teresa (IASF, Palermo) ; Fioretti, Valentina (IASF, Bologna)
The backscattering of electrons is a key phenomenon in several physics applications which range from medical therapy to space including AREMBES, the new ESA simulation framework for radiation background effects. The importance of properly reproducing this complex interaction has grown considerably in the last years and the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, recently upgraded to the version 10.3, is able to comply with the AREMBES requirements in a wide energy range. [...]
2018 - 8 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 425 (2018) 18-25 Fulltext: PDF;
Standalone Geant4 validation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter / Lachnit, Stephan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Systematic physics validation and regression testing of Geant4 is an essential tool for Geant4 development. [...]
- 2022
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