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Pionic 4F-3D x-rays from $^{208}$Pb and $^{209}$Bi. - rev. version / Olin, A ; Forsman, J W ; MacDonald, J A ; Marshall, G M ; Numao, T ; Poffenberger, P R ; Van Esbroek, P ; Beer, G A ; Britton, D I ; Mason, G R et al.
- 1984. - 16 p.
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Pionic 4F-3D x-rays from $^{208}$Pb and $^{209}$Bi / Olin, A ; Beer, G A ; Britton, D I ; Forsman, J W ; MacDonald, J A ; Marshall, G M ; Mason, G R ; Numao, T ; Poffenberger, P R ; Van Esbroek, P et al.
- 1984. - 1 p.
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Pionic 2P-1S x-ray from $^{23}$Na / Britton, D I ; Beer, G A ; Forsman, J W ; MacDonald, J A ; Marshall, G M ; Mason, G R ; Numao, T ; Olin, A ; Poffenberger, P R ; Van Esbroek, P et al.
- 1984. - 1 p.
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The pionic sodium 2p-1s transition / Britton, D I ; Beer, G A ; MacDonald, J A ; Mason, G R ; Numao, T ; Olin, A ; Poffenberger, P R ; Kunselman, A R ; Olaniyi, B H
- 1986. - 14 p.
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Measurement of the pi --> branching ratio / Bryman, D A ; Dixit, M S ; Dubois, R ; MacDonald, J A ; Numao, T ; Olaniyi, B H ; Olin, A ; Poutissou, J M
TRI-PP-85-89.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1994 - 35 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 49 (1994) 28-39 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Search for massive neutrinos in pi --> decay / Bryman, D A ; Dubois, R ; Numao, T ; Olaniyi, B H ; Olin, A ; Dixit, M S ; Poutissou, J M ; MacDonald, J A
- 1982. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
New measurement of the pi --> branching ratio / Bryman, D A ; Dubois, R ; Numao, T ; Olaniyi, B H ; Olin, A ; Dixit, M S ; Berghofer, D ; Poutissou, J M ; MacDonald, J A ; Robertson, B C
- 1982. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Developments of $^{207}$Pb, $^{208}$Pb and $^{209}$Bi target wheels in the synthesis of $_{107}$Ns, $_{108}$Hs and $_{109}$Mt / Folger, H ; Hartmann, W ; Hessberger, F P ; Hofmann, S ; Klemm, J ; Münzenberg, G ; Ninov, V ; Schmidt, K H ; Schött, H J ; Thalheimer, W et al.
GSI-93-36; GSI-PRE-93-36.- Darmstadt : GSI, 1993 - 15 p.
In : 16th International Nuclear Target Development Society. World Conference, Legnaro, Italy, 21 - 25 Sep 1992, pp.69-79
Untersuchung der Fusionsreaktionen von 48Ca-Ionen mit den Kernen $^{203,205}$Tl, $^{208}$Pb und $^{209}$Bi / Orlova, O A ; Bruchertseifer, H ; Muzychka, Yu A ; Oganessian, Yu T ; Pustylnik, B I ; Ter-Akopian, G M ; Chepigin, V I ; Choy Val Sek
- 1979. - 15 p.
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Cross sections of the (H1,$\alpha$n) channel in the cold-fusion-type reactions $^{209}$Bi + $^{40}$Ar and $^{208}$Pb + $^{37}$Cl / Lazarev, Yu A ; Oganessian, Yu T ; Szeglowski, Z ; Utyonkov, V K ; Kharitonov, Yu P ; Constantinescu, O ; Thi-Liên, D ; Shirokovsky, I V ; Tretyakova, S P
E7-94-147 ; JINR-E7-94-147.
- 1994. - 31 p.
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