Low-Temperature Annealing of Electron, Neutron, and Proton Irradiation Effects on SiC Radiation Detectors
/ Rafí, Joan Marc (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Pellegrini, Giulio (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Godignon, Philippe (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Rius, Gemma (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Dauderys, Vainius (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Tsunoda, Isao (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Yoneoka, Masashi (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Takakura, Kenichiro (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Kramberger, Gregor (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Moll, Michael (CERN)
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a wide bandgap semiconductor with outstanding properties that make it especially appropriate for radiation monitoring in radiation harsh environments and for elevated temperature operation. In this work, radiation effects in electron-, neutron-, and proton-irradiated 4H-SiC p-n junction diodes are investigated by means of electrical characterization, including current–voltage characteristics measured at different temperatures ranging from −50 °C to +200°C. [...]
2023 - 12 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 70 (2023) 2285-2296
External link: accepted manuscript
Electron, Neutron, and Proton Irradiation Effects on SiC Radiation Detectors
/ Rafí, Joan Marc (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Pellegrini, Giulio (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Godignon, Philippe (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Ugobono, Sofía Otero (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Rius, Gemma (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Tsunoda, Isao (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Yoneoka, Masashi (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Takakura, Kenichiro (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Kramberger, Gregor (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Moll, Michael (CERN)
Owing to their low dark current, high transparency, high thermal conductivity, and potential radiation hardness, there is a special interest in silicon carbide (SiC) devices for radiation monitoring in radiation harsh environments and with elevated temperatures and, especially, for the plasma diagnostic systems in future nuclear fusion reactors. In this work, four-quadrant p-n junction diodes produced on epitaxial 4H-SiC substrates are studied. [...]
2020 - 9 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2020) 2481-2489
Ultrathin four-quadrant silicon photodiodes for beam position and monitor applications: Characterization and radiation effects
/ Rafí, J M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Quirion, D (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Duch, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Paz, I Lopez (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Dauderys, V (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Claus, T (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Moffat, N (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Molas, B (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Tsunoda, I (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Yoneoka, M (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) et al.
Ultrathin semiconductor photodiodes are of interest for beam position and monitoring in X-ray synchrotron beamlines and particle therapy medical applications. In this work, single and four-quadrant diodes have been fabricated on ultrathin Si films with thicknesses of 10 μm, 5 μm and 3 μm from silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates. [...]
2023 - 8 p.
- Published in : Solid State Electron. 209 (2023) 108756
Fulltext: PDF;
Current Transport Mechanism for Heavy-Ion Degraded SiC MOSFETs
/ Martinella, C (CERN ; Jyvaskyla U.) ; Stark, R (Zurich, ETH) ; Ziemann, T (Zurich, ETH) ; Alia, R G (CERN) ; Kadi, Y (CERN) ; Grossner, U (Zurich, ETH) ; Javanainen, A (Jyvaskyla U. ; Vanderbilt U. (main))
High sensitivity of silicon-carbide (SiC) power MOSFETs has been observed under heavy-ion irradiation, leading to permanent increase of drain and gate leakage currents. The electrical postirradiation analysis confirmed the degradation of the gate oxide and the blocking capability of the devices. [...]
2019 - 8 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 (2019) 1702-1709
In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16 - 21 Sep 2018, pp.1702-1709
Radiation hardness evaluation of SiGe HBT technologies for the Front-End electronics of the ATLAS Upgrade
/ Ullán, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Díez, S (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Campabadal, F (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Lozano, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Pellegrini, G (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Knoll, D (IHP, Frankfurt) ; Heinemann, B (IHP, Frankfurt)
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 579 (2007) 828-832
In : 6th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Applications of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Carmel, CA, USA, 11 - 15 Sep 2006, pp.828-832
Technology development of p-type microstrip detectors with radiation hard p-spray isolation
/ Pellegrini, G (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Fleta, C (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Campabadal, F (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Díez, S (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Lozano, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Rafí, J M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Ullán, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.)
A technology for the fabrication of p-type microstrip silicon radiation detectors using p-spray implant isolation has been developed at CNM-IMB. The p-spray isolation has been optimized in order to withstand a gamma irradiation dose up to 50 Mrad (Si), which represents the ionization radiation dose expected in the middle region of the SCT-Atlas detector of the future Super-LHC during 10 years of operation. [...]
2006 - 6 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 566 (2006) 360-365
A new generation of radiation hard 3D pixel sensors for the ATLAS upgrade
/ Terzo, Stefano (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Grinstein, Sebastian (Barcelona, IFAE ; ICREA, Barcelona) ; Manna, Maria (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Pellegrini, Giulio (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Quirion, David (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.)
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will replace its inner tracker system to cope with the extreme particle fluence expected after the High Luminosity upgrade of the accelerator (HL-LHC). The 3D silicon sensor technology has been selected as baseline to instrument the innermost layer of the pixel detector in the future ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk). [...]
2020 - 4 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 982 (2020) 164587
Study of the radiation-induced damage mechanism in proton irradiated low gain avalanche detectors and its thermal annealing dependence
/ Wiehe, Moritz (CERN ; Freiburg U.) ; Fernández García, Marcos (CERN ; Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Hidalgo, Salvador (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Moll, Michael (CERN) ; Otero Ugobono, Sofia (CERN ; Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Parzefall, Ulrich (Freiburg U.) ; Pellegrini, Giulio (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Ventura Barroso, Ana (CERN ; Barcelona U.) ; Vila Alvarez, Ivan (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.)
In this study the effects of proton irradiation and annealing on Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are investigated. Two LGADs and one p-in-n diode, produced by CNM (Centre Nacional de Microelectrònica 2018), were irradiated with 24 GeV∕c -protons to a fluence of 1×10$^{14}$n$_{eq}$∕cm$^{2}$ and annealed at 60°C for up to 5000 min . [...]
2021 - 9 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 986 (2021) 164814
Fulltext: PDF;
First measurements of segmented silicon tracking detectors with built-in multiplication layer
/ Cavallaro, Emanuele (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Lange, Jörn (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Lopez Paz, Ivan (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Grinstein, Sebastian (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Baselga, Marta (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Greco, Virginia (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Quirion, David (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Pellegrini, Giulio (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.)
Silicon sensors with a built-in multiplication layer, also known as Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD), are a new technology of potentially radiation hard silicon sensors developed at CNM (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica) in the framework of the CERN-RD50 collaboration. The concept of the LGAD technology is to produce a tracking sensor with an intrinsic low gain due to charge multiplication in order to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. [...]
2015 - 5 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 796 (2015) 136-140
In : 10th International Conference on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Materials, Detectors, and Devices, Florence, Italy, 8 - 10 Oct 2014, pp.136-140
2D Position Sensitive Microstrip Sensors with Charge Division Along the Strip: Studies on the position measurement error
/ Bassignana, D (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Curras, E (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Fernandez, M (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Jaramillo, R (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Lozano, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Munoz, F J (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Pellegrini, G (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron. ; Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Quirion, D (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Vila, I (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Vitorero, F (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.)
Position sensitivity in semiconductor detectors of ionizing radiation is usually achieved by the segmentation of the sensing diode junction in many small sensing elements read out separately as in the case of conventional microstrips and pixel detectors. [...]
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