CERN Accelerating science

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Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and of transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems : a summary of the TARC project at CERN / Abánades, A ; Aleixandre, J ; Andriamonje, Samuel A ; Angelopoulos, Angelos ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Arnould, H ; Belle, E ; Bompas, C A ; Brozzi, Delecurgo ; Bueno, J et al.
The Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (TARC) experiment was carried out as PS211 at the CERN PS from 1996 to 1999. Energy and space distributions of spallation neutrons (produced by 2.5 and 3.57 GeV/c CERN proton beams) slowing down in a 3.3*3.3*3 m/sup 3/ lead volume and neutron capture rates on long-lived fission fragments /sup 99/Tc and /sup 129/I demonstrate that Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) can be used to eliminate efficiently such nuclear waste and validate innovative simulation. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 463 (2001) 586-92
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems / Arnould, H ; Bompas, C A ; Del Moral, R ; Lacoste, V ; Vlachoudis, V ; Aleixandre, J ; Bueno, J ; Cerro, E ; González, O ; Tamarit, J et al.
Energy and space distributions of spallation neutrons (from 2.5 and 3.57 GeV/c CERN proton beams) slowing down in a 3.3*3.3*3 m/sup 3/ lead volume and neutron capture rates on long-lived fission fragments /sup 99/Tc and /sup 129/I demonstrate that Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) can be used to eliminate efficiently such nuclear waste and validate innovative simulation. (17 refs)..
1999 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 458 (1999) 167-80
Experimental Verification of Neutron Phenomenology in Lead and Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing in Accelerator Driven Systems: a Short Summary / Abánades, A ; Aleixandre, J ; Andriamonje, Samuel A (CEA-Saclay) ; Angelopoulos, Angelos ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Arnould, H ; Belle, E ; Bompas, C A ; Brozzi, Delecurgo ; Bueno, J et al.
The Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (TARC) experiment was carried out as PS211 at the CERN PS from 1996 to 1999. Energy and space distributions of spallation neutrons (from 2.5 and 3.57 GeV/c CERN proton beams) slowing down in a 3.3x3.3x3 m3 lead volume and neutron capture rates on long-lived fission fragements 99Tc and 129I demonstrate that Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) can be used to eliminate efficiently such nuclear waste and validate innovative simulation..
SL-Note-2000-034-EET.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 9 p. Note Fulltext: PDF;
Results from the TARC experiment : spallation neutron phenomenology in lead and neutron-driven nuclear transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing / TARC Collaboration
CERN-SL-2001-033-EET.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 180 p. Report - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 478 (2002) 577-730 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Experimental Verification of Neutron Phenomenology in Lead and Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing in Accelerator Driven Systems / Abánades, A ; Aleixandre, J ; Andriamonje, Samuel A ; Angelopoulos, Angelos ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Arnould, H ; Belle, E ; Bompas, C A ; Brozzi, Delecurgo ; Bueno, J et al.
Energy and space distributions of spallation neutrons (from 2.5 and 3.57 GeV/c CERN proton beams) slowing down in a 3.3 x 3.3 x 3 m3 lead volume and neutron capture rates on long-lived fission fragments 99 Tc and 129 I demonstrate that Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) can be used to eliminate efficiently such nuclear waste and validate innovative simulation..
CERN-LHC-98-012-EET.- Geneva : CERN, 1999 - 15 p. Report - Published in : Phys. Lett. B Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Results from the TARC experiment: spallation neutron phenomenology in lead and neutron-driven nuclear transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing. / Abánades, A ; Aleixandre, J ; Andriamonje, Samuel A (CEA-Saclay) ; Angelopoulos, Angelos ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Arnould, H ; Belle, E ; Bompas, C A ; Brozzi, Delecurgo ; Bueno, J et al.
The results of the TARC experiment are summarized herewith, whose main purpose is to demonstrate the possibility of using Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) to destroy efficiently Long-Lived Fission Fragments (LLFFs) in accelerator-driven systems and to validate a new simulation developed in the framework of the Energy Amplifier programme. An experimental set-up was installed in a CERN PS proton beam line to study how neutrons, produced by spallation at relatively high energy (En * 1 MeV), slow down quasi adiabatically, with almost flat isolethargic energy distribution and reach the capture resonance energy of an element to be transmuted where they will have a high probability of being captured. [...]
SL-Note-2000-035-EET.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 Note
Applied physics measurements at the CERN n-TOF facility / González, E (CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain)
The present experimental program of the recently constructed neutron time-of-flight installation at CERN, n_TOF, is dominated by the objectives of a shared cost action project of the EU for the measurement of neutron cross section needed for ADS development and nuclear waste transmutation, nTOF-ADS. This paper presents the motivations and the list of reactions and isotopes considered in this part of the n_TOF program. [...]
In : Astrophysics, Symmetries, and Applied Physics at Spallation Neutron Sources, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, 11 - 13 Mar 2002, pp.83-96
Preliminary design studies for a 100 MW Energy Amplifier prototype / Abánades, A ; Pérez-Navarro, A
The Energy Amplifier (EA) is a new concept of fission system based on a subcritical assembly sustained with the neutrons generated by proton beam impact on a heavy element (spallation). This concept, proposed by the Nobel Laureate C. [...]
In : 10th Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Petten, The Netherlands, 24 - 28 Sep 2000, pp.568-77
Transmutation in ADS and needs for nuclear data, with an introduction to the n-TOF at CERN / González, E ; Embid, M ; Fernández, R ; García, J ; Villamarín, D
Transmutation can help in the nuclear waste problem by reducing seriously the life and amount of the most dangerous isotopes (radiotoxicity, heat, packing volume and neutron multiplication reductions). ADS are one of the best technologies for nuclear waste transmutation at large scale. [...]
In : Conference on Experimental Nuclear Physics in Europe : Facing the Next Millennium, Seville, Spain, 21 - 26 Jun 1999, pp.262-5
Transmutation studies using SSNTD and radiochemistry and the associated production of secondary neutrons / Brandt, R ; Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K et al.
Experiments using 1.5 GeV, 3.7 GeV and 7.4 GeV protons from the Synchrophasotron, LHE, JINR, Dubna, Russia, on extended Pb- and U- targets were carried out using SSNTD and radiochemical sensors for the study of secondary neutron $9 fluences. We also carried out first transmutation studies on the long-lived radwaste nuclei /sup 129/I and /sup 237/Np. [...]
1999 - Published in : Radiat. Meas. 31 (1999) 497-506

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