CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,040 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 0.62 секунд. 
Study of $f_{0}$ decays into four neutral pions / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
A simultaneous analysis of two different 5 pi final states from pN annihilation at rest is used to study the decays of isoscalar 0/sup ++/ states into 4 pi /sup 0/. The data demand two scalar states, the f/sub 0/(1370) with m=1395+or-40 MeV/c/sup 2/, Gamma =275+or-55 MeV/c /sup 2/ and the f/sub 0/(1500) with mass and width compatible with previous findings. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 19 (2001) 667-75 Fulltext: PDF;
Study of $\overline{p}N$ annihilations into five pions / Thoma, U /Crystal Barrel Collaboration
The preliminary analysis of four high statistic 5 pi data sets taken with the Crystal Barrel detector shows that at least two scalar states are needed to describe the data, the f/sub 0/(1370) with m =1395+or-40 MeV/c/sup 2/, Gamma =275+or-55 MeV/c/sup 2/ and the f/sub 0/(1500) with mass and width compatible with previous findings. The first one decays dominantly into sigma sigma and rho rho , the second one into sigma sigma and pi *(1300) pi . [...]
2000 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 675 (2000) 76-9 Fulltext: PDF;
First observation of the production and decay of the $\Sigma_{c}^{+}$ / BEBC TST Neutrino Collaboration
An event with the decay chain Sigma /sub c//sup +/ to Lambda /sub c //sup +/+ pi /sup 0/, Lambda /sub c//sup +/ to K/sup -/+p+ pi /sup +/, has been observed in an exposure of BEBC, equipped with a track sensitive target, to the wide band neutrino beam from the SPS at CERN. The event has a unique three constraint kinematic fit to the Delta S=- Delta Q reaction nu +p to mu /sup -/+p+K/sup -/+ pi /sup +/+ pi /sup + /+ pi /sup 0/ with both gammas from the pi /sup 0/ decay detected. [...]
RL-80-019.- Chilton : RAL, 1980 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 93 (1980) 521-4
Proton-antiproton annihilation into $6\gamma$ and $7\gamma$ / Amsler, Claude (CERN) /Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Preliminary results on omega pi /sup 0/ pi /sup 0/ and omega eta pi /sup 0/ in pp annihilation at rest and on pp annihilation in flight into eta eta pi /sup 0/ are briefly described. In omega eta pi /sup 0 / there is evidence for 1/sup +-/ and 1/sup --/ mesons decaying to omega eta . [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 675 (2000) 67-70
Search for narrow pp states in the reaction pi /sup -/p to p pi /sup - /pp at 16 GeV/c / Chung, S U ; Bar-Yam, Z ; Bensinger, J ; Button-Shafer, J ; Dhar, S ; Dowd, J ; Etkin, A ; Fernow, R ; Foley, K ; Goldman, J H et al.
This Letter carries out a sensitive ( approximately 5 events/nb) search for narrow pp states at the Brookhaven National Laboratory multiparticle spectrometer. No evidence is found for such states in the mass range 1900-2400 MeV/c/sup 2/ in the reaction pi /sup -/p to p pi /sup -/pp at 16 GeV/c. [...]
1980 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 (1980) 1611-14
Diffractive production of the charmed baryon LAMBDA$_{c}^{+}$ at the CERN ISR / Giboni, K L ; DiBitonto, Daryl ; Barone, M ; Block, Martin M ; Böhm, A ; Campanini, R ; Ceradini, F ; Eickmeyer, J ; Hanna, D S ; Irion, J et al.
In a sample of diffractive events of high multiplicity a sharp five standard deviation signal is observed at M=2255 MeV/c/sup 2/ in the K /sup -/p pi /sup +/ mass distribution and, although with less statistical strength, at the same mass in the lambda /sup 0/ pi /sup + / pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ channel. These signals are identified as being due to the decay of the charmed baryon Lambda /sub c//sup +/ which is produced with a cross section times branching ratio sigma /sub C/B in the range 0.7-1.8 mu b for the K/sup -/ pi /sup +/p decay and 0.3-0.7 mu b for the Lambda /sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ system. [...]
CERN-EP-79-66.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 15 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 85 (1979) 437-442 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
An experimental study of the form factor in the decay K$\^{+}\rightarrow\pi^{o}e^{+}\nu$. / Braun, H ; Bertrand, D ; Cornelssen, M ; Csejthey-Barth, Monique ; Cundy, Donald C ; Erriquez, O ; Lemonne, J ; Martyn, H U ; Natali, S ; Pedersen, T I et al.
The q/sup 2/ variation of the form factor f/sub +/(q/sup 2/) in the decay K/sup +/ to pi /sup o/e/sup +/ nu has been studied using a sample of events detected in the CERN 1.1 m/sup 3/ heavy-liquid bubble chamber. The data are consistent with a linear development f/sub +/(q /sup 2/)=f/sub +/(0)(1+ lambda /sub +/q/m/sub pi //sup 2/) with lambda /sub +/=0.027+or-0.008. [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 47 (1973) 185-8
Present status of the omega pi pi decay of the A/sub 2/ from the pp annihilations at 700 MeV/c / Defoix, C ; Dobrzynski, L ; Espigat, P
With the aim of clearer understanding of the A/sub 2/ to omega pi pi decay mode, some partial results for the reaction pp to pi /sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/ at 725 MeV/c are presented and analysed. (3 refs)..
CERN, 1974 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Symposium on Antinucleon-Nucleon Interactions, Liblice-Prague, Czech Republic, 25 - 28 Jun 1974, pp.37-42 (CERN-1974-018)
Study of the $K^{+}K^{-} \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ final state in antiproton annihilation at rest in gaseous hydrogen at NTP with the OBELIX spectrometer / OBELIX Collaboration
A spin-parity analysis of a sample of pp to K/sup +/K/sup -/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/ annihilation events taken at rest in gaseous H/sub 2/ at NTP is reported. The invariant mass spectrum of the K/sup +/K/sup -/ pi /sup 0/ system shows the presence of the E/t resonance pattern at 1.42 GeV. [...]
2002 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 545 (2002) 261-71
$\overline{p}p$ annihilation into four charged pions at rest and in flight / OBELIX Collaboration
The spin-parity analysis of the data on the pp to 2 pi /sup +/ 2 pi /sup $/annihilation reaction at rest in liquid and in gaseous hydrogen at 3 bar pressure and in flight at p momentum of approximately= 50 MeV/c, collected by the Obelix spectrometer at the LEAR complex of CERN, is presented. The relative branching ratios (a /sub 1/ (1260) to sigma pi )/(a/sub 1/(1260) to rho pi ) = 0.06 +or- 0.05 and ( pi (1300) to sigma pi )/( pi (1300) to rho pi ) = 2.2 +or- 0.4 are obtained. [...]
2004 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 35 (2004) 21-33

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