CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,046 records found  1 - 10próximoend  jump to record: Search took 0.20 seconds. 
The real part of $\overline{p}p$ forward elastic scattering amplitude at 0.7 GeV/c / Kaseno, H ; Hamatsu, R ; Kawano, K ; Kimura, M ; Takanaka, M ; Yamagata, T ; Kita, I ; Takahashi, K ; Tanahashi, K ; Kohno, H et al.
- 1976. - 11 p.
Study of the reaction $\overline{p}p\rightarrow\overline{n}\$n with antiproton momentum in the range 700-750 MeV/c / Bombay-CERN-Neuchâtel-Tokyo Collaboration
- 1974. - 9 p.
A study of $\overline{n}$p annihilations around 0.65 GeV/c / Bombay-CERN-Neuchâtel-Tokyo Collaboration
CERN-EP-PHYS-77-46.- Geneva : CERN, 1978 - 21 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 137 (1978) 283-293 Fulltext: PDF;
Observation of a dip - bump structure in differential cross-section for $\overline{p}p\rightarrow\overline{n}$n in the 700-760 MeV momentum range / Bogdanski, M ; Emura, T ; Ganguli, S N ; Gurtu, A ; Hamada, S ; Hamatsu, R ; Jeannet, E ; Kita, I ; Kitamura, S ; Kishiro, J et al.
CERN-EP-PHYS-76-2; CERN-EP-PHYS-76-2-REV.- Geneva : CERN, 1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 62 (1976) 117-120 Fulltext: PDF;
Antiproton-proton charge exchange and elastic scattering at 232 MeV / Hirose, T ; Yamagata, T ; Fukawa, M ; Emura, T ; Takahashi, K ; Kita, I ; Kohno, H ; Ohsugi, T ; Hamatsu, R ; Murata, Y et al.
- 1971.
$\overline {p}p$ elastic and charge exchange scattering at 230 MeV / Kohno, H (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Kaneko, S (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Murata, Y (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Ohsugi, T (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Okamura, K (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Fukawa, M (Tokyo Metropol. Univ.) ; Hamatsu, R (Tokyo Univ.) ; Hirose, T (Tokyo Univ.) ; Mamiya, T (Tokyo Univ.) ; Yamagata, T (Tokyo Univ.) et al.
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 41 (1972) 485-492
Study of the reaction -> with antiproton momentum in the range 700-750 MeV/c / Chaudhary, B S ; Bogdanski, M ; Emura, T ; Ganguli, S N ; Gurtu, A ; Hamada, S ; Hamatsu, R ; Jeannet, E ; Kita, I ; Kitamuya, S et al.
Preliminary results on the charge exchange reaction pp to nn are presented. The differential angular distribution seems to exhibit a sharp peak in the forward direction and a secondary maximum. [...]
CERN, 1974 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Symposium on Antinucleon-Nucleon Interactions, Liblice-Prague, Czech Republic, 25 - 28 Jun 1974, pp.90-96 (CERN-1974-018)
Multidimensional analysis of the three-body reaction pi$^{-}$p --> pi$^{-}$pi$^{+}$n at 6 GeV/c / Emura, T ; Kita, I ; Takahashi, K ; Fukunaga, C ; Hamatsu, R ; Hattori, Y ; Hirose, T ; Kitamura, S ; Shikata, K ; Yamagata, T et al.
- 1981. - 39 p.
CERN library copies
Letter of intent to the SPSC : Study of $\overline{p}p$ annihilation process at the possible highest energy using the EHS / Yamagata, Taketora ; Hamatsu, R ; Hirose, T ; Kitamura, S (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-78-50 ; SPSC-I-111.
- 1978. - 1 p.
pp elastic and charge exchange scattering at 230 MeV / Kohno, H (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Kaneko, S (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Murata, Y (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Ohsugi, T (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Okamura, K (Hiroshima Univ.) ; Fukawa, M (Sophia Univ.) ; Hamatsu, R (Tokyo Metropol. Univ) ; Hirose, T (Tokyo Metropol. Univ) ; Mamiya, T (Tokyo Metropol. Univ) ; Yamagata, T (Tokyo Metropol. Univ) et al.
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 41 (1972) 485-492

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