CERN Accelerating science

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CHARM High-Energy Ions for Microelectronics Reliability Assurance (CHIMERA) / Bilko, Kacper (CERN ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Costantino, Alessandra (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Coronetti, Andrea (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Delrieux, Marc (CERN) ; Emriskova, Natalia (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Girard, Sylvain (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne ; IUF, Paris) ; Johnson, Eliott Philippe (CERN) et al.
We present the progress related to CERN’s capacity of delivering highly penetrating, high-linear energy transfer (LET) heavy ions for radiation effect testing of electronic components within the CHARM High-energy Ions for Micro Electronics Reliability Assurance (CHIMERA) project. Profiting from the existing accelerator infrastructure, Monte Carlo simulations, and a 300- $\mu $ m-thick silicon diode, we highlight the beam characterization capabilities and a summary of the beam properties. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
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In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2023), Toulouse, France, 25 - 29 Sep 2023, pp.1549-1556
Fragmented High-Energy Heavy-Ion Beams for Electronics Testing / García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Bilko, Kacper (CERN ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN) ; Coronetti, Andrea (CERN ; IES, Montpellier) ; Emriskova, Natalia (CERN) ; Esposito, Luigi (CERN) ; Pujol, Francesc Salvat (CERN) ; Waets, Andreas (CERN ; U. Zurich (main)) ; Girard, Sylvain (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Saigné, Frédéric (IES, Montpellier) et al.
Fragmented heavy-ion beams obtained from the interaction of highly energetic ions with thick targets relative to the ion ranges are proposed to mimic the high-penetration linear energy transfer (LET) spectrum present in space and for electronics testing. Our experimental data characterizing fragmented heavy-ion beams show an excellent level of agreement with the Monte Carlo simulations, serving as an initial proofof-concept of the proposed single-event effect (SEE) testing approach..
2023 - 10 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 70 (2023) 486-495 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 2022 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, Provo, Utah, USA, 18 - 23 Jul 2022, pp.486-495
Mixed-Field Radiation Monitoring and Beam Characterization Through Silicon Diode Detectors / Biłko, Kacper (CERN ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Sacristan Barbero, Mario (CERN) ; Girard, Sylvain (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne ; IUF, Paris) ; Aguiar, Ygor Q (CERN) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Belanger-Champagne, Camille (TRIUMF) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Hajdas, Wojtek (PSI, Villigen) ; Hands, Alex (TRIUMF) et al.
We present a calibration of a commercial silicon diode with proton and alpha beams and gamma rays. The diode together with a fast acquisition chain can be exploited for both direct and indirect (through the secondary radiation field) beam characterization. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 71 (2024) 777-784 Fulltext: PDF;
Temperature Effect on the Radioluminescence of Differently Doped Silica-Based Optical Fibers / Kerboub, Nourdine (CERN ; CNES, Toulouse ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Di Francesca, Diego (CERN) ; Morana, Adriana (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Hamzaoui, Hicham El (PhLAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq) ; Ouerdane, Youcef (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Bouwmans, Géraud (PhLAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq) ; Habert, Rémi (PhLAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq) ; Cassez, Andy (PhLAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq) ; Boukenter, Aziz (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Capoen, Bruno (PhLAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq) et al.
We evaluate the temperature effect on the X-ray radiation-induced luminescence (RIL) of differently doped silica fibers obtained via the sol-gel route. Previous investigations showed that these optical materials exhibit interesting dosimetry properties, such as very good detection capabilities and linear response over a large range of dose rate. [...]
2024 - 7 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 71 (2024) 2280-2286
Radiation Monitoring With Radiosensitive Pure-Silica Core Ultralow Loss Optical Fiber / Weninger, Luca (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Morana, Adriana (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Campanella, Cosimo (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Vidalot, Jeoffray (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Marin, Emmanuel (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Ouerdane, Youcef (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Boukenter, Aziz (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Alía, Rubén García (CERN) ; Girard, Sylvain (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne ; IUF, Paris)
This article presents a new prospect for radiation detection exploiting the high radiation sensitivity of an ultralow-loss pure-silica core optical fiber (ULL-PSCF). This fiber exhibits very high transient X-ray radiation-induced attenuation (RIA) levels from UV to IR during irradiation, while its RIA quickly returns to a low permanent level after irradiation. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
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In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2023), Toulouse, France, 25 - 29 Sep 2023, pp.1813-1820
Radiation Environment in the Large Hadron Collider During the 2022 Restart and Related RHA Implications / Biłko, Kacper (CERN ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Aguiar, Ygor (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Di Francesca, Diego (CERN) ; Gilardoni, Simone (CERN) ; Girard, Sylvain (ICJ, Lyon ; IUF, Paris) ; Ricci, Daniel (CERN) ; Sebban, Marc (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Uznanski, Slawosz (CERN)
In this work, we present the radiation environment of the large hadron collider (LHC), focusing on the year 2022, the first after the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) (2019–2021). We highlight the most prominent radiation-level changes with respect to the 2018 operation, commenting on the related Radiation Hardness Assurance implications. [...]
2024 - 11 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 71 (2024) 607-617 Fulltext: PDF;
CERN Super Proton Synchrotron Radiation Environment and Related Radiation Hardness Assurance Implications / Biłko, Kacper (CERN ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Di Francesca, Diego (CERN) ; Aguiar, Ygor (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Gilardoni, Simone (CERN) ; Girard, Sylvain (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Esposito, Luigi Salvatore (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Mazzola, Giuseppe (CERN) et al.
The super proton synchrotron (SPS) is the second largest accelerator at CERN where protons are accelerated between 16 and 450 GeV/c. Beam losses, leading to the mixed-field radiation of up to MGy magnitude, pose a threat to the reliability of the electronic equipment and polymer materials located in the tunnel and its vicinity. [...]
2023 - 10 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
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In : European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, Venice, Italy, 3 - 7 Oct 2022, pp.1606-1615
Solar Particle Event Detection With the LUMINA Optical Fiber Dosimeter Aboard the International Space Station / Roche, Martin (CNES, Toulouse ; Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Balcon, Nicolas (CNES, Toulouse) ; Clément, Florence (CNES, Toulouse) ; Cheiney, Pierrick ; Morana, Adriana (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Francesca, Diego Di (CERN) ; Jean-Christophe, Malapert (CNES, Toulouse) ; Kerboub, Nourdine (CNES, Toulouse) ; Marot, Lourdes Oro ; Ricci, Daniel (CERN) et al.
LUMINA, a fiber-based dosimeter, exploiting the radiation induced attenuation (RIA) phenomenon, has been operational inside the International Space Station (ISS) since August 2021. We discuss in this article its capability to detect the possible signatures of recent solar particle events (SPEs) through the related increase of the dose rate (DR) radiation level within the ISS. [...]
2024 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.

In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2023), Toulouse, France, 25 - 29 Sep 2023, pp.1580-1588
Heavy Ion Nuclear Reaction Impact on SEE Testing: From Standard to Ultra-high Energies / Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Røed, Ketil (Oslo U.) ; Fernández-Martínez, Pablo (CERN) ; Kastriotou, Maria (CERN) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Kerboub, Nourdine (CERN) ; Tali, Maris (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN)
We perform Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to describe heavy ion (HI) nuclear interactions in a broad energy range (4 MeV/n–150 GeV/n), focusing on the single event effect (SEE) sub-linear energy transfer (LET) impact. Previously retrieved single event latch-up (SEL) experimental data have indicated that standard energy ions (~10 MeV/n) can produce high-LET secondaries through fusion reactions which are expected to strongly influence the SEE cross section in the sub-LET region. [...]
2020 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2020) 1590-1598 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Characterization of Radiophotoluminescence Dosimeters Under X-Ray Irradiation at High Doses / Ferrari, M (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Aguiar, Y Q (CERN) ; Hasan, A (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Alem, A K (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne) ; Alía, R García (CERN) ; Donzella, A (Brescia U.) ; Pagano, D (Brescia U.) ; Sostero, L (Brescia U.) ; Zenoni, A (Brescia U.) ; Girard, S (Lab. Hubert Curien, St. Etienne ; IUF, Paris)
A characterization of radiophotoluminescence (RPL) dosimeters at high doses of X-ray radiation for applications in high-radiation areas is presented. Commercial FD-7 silver-doped phosphate glasses (1.5$\times$ 8.5mm) in use at CERN for passive dosimetry are irradiated using commercial X-ray tubes. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2023), Toulouse, France, 25 - 29 Sep 2023, pp.1821-1828

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