CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,047 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.30 წამი. 
Comparative yields of alkali elements and thallium from uranium irradiated with high-energy protons, /sup 3/He and /sup 12/C / Gustafsson, Hans Åke ; Bjørnstad, T ; Jonson, B ; Jonsson, O C ; Lindfors, V ; Mattsson, S ; Poskanzer, A M ; Ravn, H L ; Schardt, D
Mass-separated ion beams of the alkali elements Na, K, and Fr, and of the element Tl are produced by bombarding a uranium target with 600 Me V protons, 890 MeV /sup 3/He/sup 2+/, and 936 MeV /sup 12/C/sup 4+/. Isotopic production yields are reported. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.704-8 (CERN-1981-009)
Comparative yields of alkali elements and thallium from uranium irradiated with GeV protons, $^{3}$He and $^{12}$C / Bjørnstad, T ; Gustafsson, Hans Åke ; Jonson, B ; Jonsson, O C ; Lindfors, V ; Mattsson, S ; Poskanzer, A M ; Ravn, H L ; Schardt, D
Mass-separated ion beams of the alkali elements Na, K and Fr, and of the element Tl, are produced by bombarding a uranium target with 600 MeV protons, 890 MeV /sup 3/He/sup 2+/, and 936 MeV /sup 12/C/sup 4+/. Isotopic production yields are reported. [...]
1981 - Published in : Z. Phys. A 303 (1981) 227-33
Light particle emission in alpha and /sup 12/C induced reactions between 25 and 84 MeV/u / Glasow, R ; Gaul, G ; Ho, H ; Kühn, W ; Ludewigt, B ; Lynen, U ; Müller, W F J ; Santo, R
Spectra of light particles (p, d, t,/sup 3/He, alpha ) missed after bombardment of several targets with /sup 12/C ions of 25 and 84 MeV/u (from cyclotron 'VICKSY' (HMI Berlin) and CERN (Geneva)) and alpha - particles of 25 and 43 MeV/u (from cyclotron 'JULIC', KFA Julich) have been measured at various angles. The spectra display an exponential- like slope and cross sections decreasing with increasing angles..
In : 1st International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, East Lansing, MI, USA, 26 Sep - 1 0ct 1982, pp.16
Status report on CERN SC / Allardyce, Brian W (CERN) ; Fiebig, A (CERN) ; Le Dallic, G (CERN) ; Madsen, J H B (CERN) ; Standley, P H (CERN)
PS-CD-78-20.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 26 (1979) 1979-1983 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 8th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Bloomington, IN, USA, 18 - 21 Sep 1978, pp.1979-1983
Pion production by 86 MeV/nucleon /sup 12/C ions on nuclei / Aslanides, E ; Bressani, Tullio ; Caria, M ; Chiavassa, E ; Costa, S ; Dellacasa, G ; Fassnacht, P ; Gallio, M ; Hibou, F ; Minetti, B et al.
The authors have measured the inclusive pion spectra produced at 0 degrees by 86 MeV/nucleon /sup 12/C ions on several nuclear targets (/sup 6/Li, /sup 12/C, /sup 27/Al, Cd and Pb). The experiment was performed by using the intense (>10/sup 11/ ions/second) beam from the CERN Synchro-cyclotron. [...]
In : 1st International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, East Lansing, MI, USA, 26 Sep - 1 0ct 1982, pp.2
Decay of $^{177}$Ta composite nucleus: comparison of excitation functions for the reaction residues occurring in $^{12}$C + $^{165}$Ho and $^{14}$N + $^{163}$Dy reactions / Gupta, S ; Singh, B P ; Musthafa, M M ; Bhardwaj, H D ; Sharma, M K ; Prasad, R ; Sinha, A K
An experiment has been performed with a view to studying complete and incomplete fusion in /sup 14/N + /sup 163/Dy system below 7 MeV /nucleon. The excitation functions for several reactions have been measured using the activation technique and compared with the theoretical predictions based on statistical models. [...]
2002 - Published in : J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71 (2002) 2434-8
Pion production below the free nucleon-nucleon threshold in heavy-ion reactions / Bondorf, J P ; Guet, C ; Jakobsson, B ; Prakash, M
The results of pion (\pi/sup +or-/) production from the CERN synchrocyclotron with /sup 12/C beams of 60, 75 and 85 A MeV on /sup 7 /Li, /sup 12/C and /sup 208/Pb are investigated theoretically. The energy region is particularly interesting because it lies below the free nucleon-nucleon threshold of 290 MeV for the production of pions. [...]
In : 1st International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, East Lansing, MI, USA, 26 Sep - 1 0ct 1982, pp.4
Comparative yields of alkali elements and thallium from uranium irradiated with GeV protons, $^{3}$He and $^{12}$C / Bjørnstad, T ; Gustafsson, Hans Åke ; Jonson, B ; Jonsson, O C ; Lindfors, V ; Mattsson, S ; Poskanzer, A M ; Ravn, H L ; Schardt, D /ISOLDE Collaboration
CERN-EP-81-70.- Geneva : CERN, 1981 - 15 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. A 303 (1981) 227-233 Fulltext: PDF;
Doubly coherent production of pi /sup -/ by /sup 3/He ions of 910 MeV / Aslanides, E ; Bressani, Tullio ; Chiavassa, E ; Dellacasa, G ; Fassnacht, P ; Gallio, M ; Hibou, F ; Musso, A ; Puddu, G
The authors report here the first results on the search of the 'doubly coherent' reaction: /sup 3/He+/sup 6/Li to /sup 9/C+ pi /sup -/ induced by /sup 3/He ions of 910 MeV. The experiment was carried out at the CERN Synchro-Cyclotron where they have been able to observe the reaction in spite of its very low cross-section ( approximately 1 pb /sr MeV/c) taking advantage of the high intensity ( approximately 2*10 /sup 12/ p.p.s.) of the extracted /sup 3/He beam. [...]
1979 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 54 (1979) , pp. 167-9
In : 2nd International Topical Conference on Meson Nuclear Physics, Houston, TX, USA, 5 - 9 Mar 1979, pp.167-9
Independent cross-sections of alkali isotopes produced in various targets bombarded by $^{12}C$ and $^{18}O$ ions up to 77 MeV/amu / De Saint-Simon, M ; Audi, G ; Coc, A ; Epherre-Rey-Campagnolle, Marcelle ; Guimbal, P ; Haan, S ; Langevin, M ; Müller, A C ; Thibault, C ; Touchard, F
The authors report on an online mass-spectrometric study of the isotopic distributions of nuclear reaction products. The two purposes of this experiment are the investigation of a particular aspect of reaction-mechanisms and the study of the possibility for exotic-nuclei production. [...]
In : 1st International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, East Lansing, MI, USA, 26 Sep - 1 0ct 1982, pp.48

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