CERN Accelerating science

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Tracer diffusion in single crystalline CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys / Gaertner, Daniel (U. Munster) ; Kottke, Josua (U. Munster) ; Wilde, Gerhard (U. Munster) ; Divinski, Sergiy V (U. Munster) ; Chumlyakov, Yury (Tomsk State U.) /ISOLDE
High entropy alloys are multicomponent alloys, which consist of five or more elements in equiatomic or nearly equiatomic concentrations. These materials are hypothesized to show significantly decreased self-diffusivities. [...]
2018 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Mater. Res. 33 (2018) 3184-3191 Fulltext: PDF;
Microstructure stability and self-diffusion in the equiatomic HfScTiZr HCP multi-principal element alloy / Muralikrishna, G Mohan (Munster U., ITP) ; Sen, Sandipan (Munster U., ITP) ; Ayyappan, Sai Kumaran (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Sankaran, S (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; Guruvidyathri, K (Hyderabad U.) ; Schell, Juliana (CERN ; Duisburg-Essen U.) ; Rogal, Lukasz (Jagiellonian U.) ; Zhang, Xi (U. Stuttgart (main)) ; Mayer, Joachim (RWTH Aachen U. ; ZAT, Julich) ; Grabowski, Blazej (U. Stuttgart (main)) et al.
Tracer diffusion of 44Ti, 46Sc and 89Zr in the hexagonal close-packed (HCP) HfScTiZr multicomponent alloy is investigated using the radiotracer technique. The microstructure stability is thoroughly examined by conducting prolonged heat treatments between 873 K and 1373 K to mimic the diffusion conditions. [...]
2023 - 12 p. - Published in : J. Alloy. Compd. 976 (2024) 173196 Fulltext: PDF;
The cryogenic properties of Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn-Cr alloys / Schanfein, M J ; Morris, J W ; Parker, E R ; Yokota, M J ; Zackay, V F
- 1974. - 26 p.
Time-dependent Crack Growth Behavior Of A Nitrogen Strengthened Ni-fe-cr-nb-n Alloy 120 / Ren, W
- 1998.
Records from U.S. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Book cover Nuclear cross sections for charged-particle induced reactions , v.1 : Mn, Fe, Co ; v.2 : Ni, Cu. / McGowan, Francis Keith (ed.) ; Milner, W T (ed.) ; Kim, H J (ed.)
Oak Ridge, TN : Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., 1964. - 2 v.

CERN library copies
Uphill-Diffusion von Silber in Cadmiumtellurid mit gezielt veränderter Oberfläche / Lehnert, J
The topic of this thesis is the uphill-diffusion (diffusion from low to high concentration) of Ag in CdTe [...]
CERN-THESIS-2017-462. - 105 p.

Saarland U. Server - Fulltext - Full text
Book cover Investigation of the effects of incongruous elements and the interaction effects of these elements on high temperature strength of Fe-Co-Ni-Cr alloys / Sye, J H
ASTIA-AD-142237 ; WADC-TR-57-426. - Springfield, VA : Carpenter Litho and Prtg, 1957. - 102 p.

CERN library copies
Evaluation of the cross-sections of threshold reactions leading to the production of long-lived radionuclides during irradiation of steels by thermonuclear spectrum neutrons / Blokhin, A I
The present paper analyses and evaluates the cross-sections of threshold reactions leading to the production of long-lived radionuclides during the irradiation, by thermonuclear spectrum neutrons, of steels containing V, Ti, Cr, Fe and Ni. [...]
INDC-CCP-432. - 2001.
An Apfim And Tem Study Of Ni{sub 4}mo Precipitation In A Commercial Ni-28% Mo-1.4% Fe-0.4% Cr Wt. % Alloy / Thomson, R C
- 1998.
Records from U.S. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Radiotracer diffusion in refractory high-entropy alloys
Approved: 07 December 2016.-
Status: Preparation
Experiment: IS627

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