CERN Accelerating science

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K* production in K/sup +/n to K pi N at 825 GeV/c / Hendrickx, K ; Burlaud, D ; Cornet, P ; Grard, F ; Henri, V P ; Tavernier, Stefaan ; Vignaud, D ; Windmolders, R
Reactions K/sup +/n to (K pi )N have been studied using data from the CERN 2 m deuterium bubble chamber obtained with incident K/sup +/ of 8.25 GeV/c. There is an abundant production of K*(892) and K*(1420). [...]
1976 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 112 (1976) 189-212
Production of K* (892) and K* (1420) in the reaction K/sup +/d to K pi N(N/sub s/) at 46 GeV/c / Buchner, K ; Charriere, G ; Cornet, P ; De Jongh, G ; Dehm, G ; Dufour, P ; Dunwoodie, W M ; Geist, W ; Göbel, G ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Yves et al.
In a bubble-chamber experiment with the CERN 2 m chamber the reactions (i) K/sup +/d to K/sup +/ pi /sup -/pp, (ii) K/sup +/d to K/sup 0/ pi /sup 0/pp, and (iii) K/sup +/d to K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/pn have been studied at a primary K/sup +/ momentum of 4.6 GeV/c. There is abundant production of K* (892) in reactions (i), (ii) and (iii), of K*/sup 0 /(1420) in reactions (i) and (ii) and of Delta /sup ++/ (1236) in reaction (iii). [...]
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 45 (1972) 333-78
Study of the p pi /sup -/ system produced in the reaction K/sup +/n to K/sup +/ pi /sup -/p at 825 GeV/c and comparison with data at 46 and 12 GeV/c / Vignaud, D ; Burlaud, D ; Cornet, P ; Ginestet, J ; Grard, F ; Hendrickx, K ; Henri, V P ; Sené, M ; Tavernier, Stefaan ; Windmolders, R
The fragmentation of the neutron into p pi /sup -/ induced by incident K/sup +/ of 8.25 GeV/c is studied using data from the CERN 2 m deuterium bubble chamber and compared with datat at 4.6 and 12 GeV/c. The p pi /sup -/ low-mass enhancement below 1.85 GeV is analyzed and the major part exhibits the properties expected for diffraction dissociation. [...]
1976 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 102 (1976) 20-50
Spin-parity structure of the (K pi pi )/sup 0/ system produced in the charge-exchange reaction K/sup -/p to (K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/) n at 42 GeV/c / Vergeest, J S M ; Cerrada, M ; Chaloupka, V ; Engelen, J J ; Gavillet, P ; Gay, J B ; Hemingway, R J ; Jongejans, B ; Kittel, E W ; Losty, Michael J et al.
A partial wave analysis of the K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ system produced in the charge exchange reaction K/sup -/p to (K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/)n at 4.2 GeV/c has been performed both as a function of K pi pi mass and of t'. The 1/sup +/S wave forms the largest contribution to the K pi pi system and peaks at roughly the same mass as the Q in diffractive K pi pi production. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 62 (1976) 471-6
The K$^{+}\pi^{-}$ elastic scattering cross section as observed in K$^{+}p\rightarrow $ K$^{+}\pi^{-}\Delta^{++}$ from 3 to 13 GeV/c / Linglin, D (CERN)
The four-body reaction K/sup +/p to K/sup +/ pi /sup -/ Delta /sup ++/ is analysed in a sample of 77300 bubble chamber events of K/sup +/p to K/sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup +/p for beam momenta from 2.5 to 12.6 GeV /c to study the K/sup +/ pi /sup -/ elastic scattering cross section. The relative merits of several analytic continuations to the pion pole are discussed. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 55 (1973) 408-26
Production of the K $\pi\pi$ system in K$^{+}$+n and K$^{+}$p interactions at 4.6 GeV/c / De Jongh, G ; Buchner, K ; Charriere, G ; Cornet, P ; Dehm, G ; Dufour, P ; Dunwoodie, W M ; Geist, W ; Göbel, G ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Yves et al.
In an experiment with the CERN 2 m deuterium bubble chamber, the (K pi pi )/sup +or0/ systems in the effective-mass range below 1.5 GeV are studied for the reactions K/sup +/n to K/sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup - /n, K/sup +/n to K/sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/p, K/sup +/n to K/sup 0 / pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/p, K/sup +/p to K/sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup - /p, at 4.6 GeV/c incident momentum. Cross section values are presented and the general features of these reactions are described. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 58 (1973) 110-39
K nucleon elastic and charge exchange scattering / Carlson, P J (CERN)
A survey is made in table form of the following aspects of the K nucleon interaction: total cross sections of K/sup +or-/p and K/sup +or-/d; elastic cross sections of K/sup +or-/p and K/sup -/n; charge exchange cross sections of K/sup +/d and K/sup -/p; differential cross sections of K/sup +/p and K/sup -/p, K/sup -/n; differential charge exchange cross sections of K/sup +/d and K/sup -/p and polarizations in K/sup +or-/p elastic scattering. (109 refs)..
In : Elastic and Charge Exchange Scattering of Elementary Particles, pp.133-294
Polarization relations in charge and hypercharge exchange reactions / Martin, A D ; Michael, C ; Phillips, R J N
Relations between polarizations in charge and hypercharge exchange reactions are derived. The idea is that K*(890) and K**(1400) exchange, including unspecified absorptive corrections, are related to rho and A/sub 2/ exchanges by SU(3) octet symmetry, with a scale factor to represent symmetry breaking between the rho -A/sub 2/ and the K*-K** trajectories. [...]
CERN-TH-1436.- 1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 43 (1972) 13-26 Fulltext: PDF;
Properties of the inelastic K/sup +/p reactions between 12 and 17 Ge V/c / Berthon, A ; Bertranet, P ; Burgun, G ; Lesquoy, E ; Montanet, Lucien ; Müller, A ; Paul, E ; Pauli, E ; Saetre, P ; Sendall, D M et al.
The observation of 70000 K/sup 0/p/sup +/ events produced with K/sup + / incident momenta of 1.21, 1.29, 1.38 and 1.69 GeV/c allows a detailed description of the production and decay of the Delta (1236) and K*(892) resonances which dominate the K/sup 0/p pi /sup +/ final state. No striking variations with energy are observed. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 63 (1973) 54-92
Study of the K*/sup o/ Lambda and K*/sup o/ Sigma /sup o/ final states from pi /sup -/p interactions at 3.9 GeV/c / Abramovich, M ; Chaloupka, V ; Chung, S U ; Hilpert, H G ; Jacob, Maurice René Michel ; Korkea-Aho, M K ; Montanet, Lucien ; Reucroft, S ; Zatz, J
A study of pi /sup -/p to K* Lambda and pi /sup -/p to K* Sigma /sup o / at 3.9 GeV/c indicates that the main features of both reactions can be interpreted in terms of simple exchange processes, the first involving both natural and unnatural exchange, the second showing evidence for natural parity exchange only. (6 refs)..
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 39 (1972) 189-200

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