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Development of shell closures at N=32,34; 1, $\beta$ decay of neutron-rich Sc isotopes / Liddick, S N ; Mantica, P F ; Broda, R ; Brown, B A ; Carpenter, M P ; Davies, A D ; Fornal, B ; Glasmacher, T ; Groh, D E ; Honma, M et al.
- 2004. - 20 p.
Lowest excitations in $^{56}Ti$ and the predicted N=34 shell closure / Liddick, S N ; Mantica, P F ; Janssens, R V F ; Broda, R ; Brown, B A ; Carpenter, M P ; Fornal, B ; Honma, M ; Mizusaki, T ; Morton, A C et al.
- 2004. - 11 p.
Beta-decay propreties of $^{55,56}Ti$ / Mantica, P F ; Brown, B A ; Davies, A D ; Glasmacher, T ; Groh, D E ; Horoi, M ; Liddick, S N ; Morrissey, D J ; Morton, A C ; Müller, W F et al.
- 2003. - 11 p.
One-particle excitations outside the 54Ti semi-magic core : The 55V and 55Ti yrast structures / Zhu, S ; Janssens, R V F ; Fornal, B ; Freeman, S J ; Honma, M ; Broda, R ; Carpenter, M P ; Deacon, A N ; Kay, B P ; Kondev, F G et al.
2007 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 650 (2007) 135-140
$\beta$ decay studies of the neutron-rich $^{56,57,58}V$ isotopes / Mantica, P F ; Morton, A C ; Brown, B A ; Davies, A D ; Glasmacher, T ; Groh, D E ; Liddick, S N ; Morrissey, D J ; Müller, W F ; Schatz, H et al.
- 2002. - 36 p.
Spin polarization of $^{37}K$ produced in a single-proton pick-up reaction at intermediate energies / Groh, D E ; Mantica, P F ; Stuchbery, A E ; Stolz, A ; Mertzimekis, T J ; Rogers, W F ; Davies, A D ; Liddick, S N ; Tomlin, B E
- 2003. - 11 p.
Decay studies at the end of the rp-process / Smith, E ; Howard, M E ; Mercurio, B ; Reitzner, S D ; Estrade, A ; Hosmer, P T ; Kwan, E ; Liddick, S N ; Mantica, P F ; Montes, F et al.
2006 - Published in : PoS: NIC-IX (2006) , pp. 178 Published version from PoS: PDF;
In : 9th International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysic: Nuclei in the Cosmos, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.178
New evidence for a subshell gap at N = 32 / Prisciandaro, J I ; Mantica, P F ; Brown, B A ; Anthony, D W ; Cooper, M W ; García, A ; Groh, D E ; Komives, A K ; Kumarasiri, W ; Lofy, P A et al.
- 2001. - 15 p.
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Probing the sustainability of the N=82 and Z=50 shell closures for neutron-rich nuclides: decay of $^{120}Rh_{75}$ to levels of $^{120}Pd_74$ / Walters, W B ; Tomlin, B E ; Mantica, P F ; Brown, B A ; Ríkovská-Stone, J ; Davies, A D ; Estrade, A ; Hosmer, P T ; Hoteling, N ; Liddick, S N et al.
- 2004. - 17 p.
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Coulomb excitation of odd-A neutron-rich $\pi(s-d)$ and $\nu(f-p)$ shell nuclei / Ibbotson, R W ; Glasmacher, T ; Mantica, P F ; Scheit, H
MSUCL-1118.- East Lansing, MI : Michigan State Univ. Cyclotron Lab., 1999 - 20 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 642 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;

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