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CERN Document Server 2,041 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivantfin  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 0.22 secondes. 
Production of hyperons and hyperon resonances in Xi /sup -/N interactions at 102 and 135 GeV/c / Biagi, S F ; Bourquin, M ; Britten, A J ; Brown, R M ; Burckhart, H J ; Carter, A A ; Carter, J R ; Dore, C ; Externmann, P ; Gailloud, M et al.
Xi /sup -/ interactions in hydrogen and deuterium are studied close to the forward direction using the CERN charged hyperon beam. The inclusive production of Sigma */sup -/(1385), Xi /sup -/, Xi */sup 0 /(1530), Xi */sup -/(1700), Xi */sup -/(1830), and Omega /sup -/ is observed, as well as an enhancement in the Xi /sup -/ pi /sup +/ channel at 1940 MeV/c/sup 2/. [...]
1981 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 9 (1981) 305-14
Production of $\Xi^*$ resonances in $\Sigma ^{-}$ induced reactions at 345 GeV/c / WA89 Collaboration
We report on a measurement of the differential and total cross sections of inclusive production of Xi * resonances in Sigma /sup -/- nucleus collisions at 345 GeV/c. The cross section for inclusive Xi /sub 1530//sup 0/ production is about a factor of 5 below that of Xi /sub 1320//sup -/ hyperons. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 11 (1999) 271-8
Upper limits for the production cross-section of Xi /sub c//sup 0/ and Xi /sub c//sup +/ in 340 GeV/c Sigma /sup -/-nucleon / Busch, C
Experiment WA89 at CERN-SPS investigates the production of charmed Baryons in 340 GeV/c Sigma /sup -/-nucleon interactions [...]
MPI-H-98-V-39. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck Inst. Kernphys., 1998. - 114 p.
A study of inclusive Xi /sup -/ production from K/sup -/p interactions at 42 GeV/c / Ganguli, S N ; Bergé, J P ; Blokzijl, R ; Gavillet, P ; Grossmann, P ; Hemingway, R J ; Kittel, E W ; Kluyver, J C ; Lamb, P R ; Muirhead, William Hugh et al.
A study of inclusive Xi /sup -/ production from a high statistics K /sup -/p experiment at 4.2 GeV/c has been made. The total Xi /sup -/ production cross section is 157+or-8 mu b. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 128 (1977) 408-20
Determination of the total cc production cross section in 340 GeV/c $\Sigma^{-}$-nucleus interactions / Adamovich, M I (CERN) /WA89 Collaboration
The production of charmed particles by 340 GeV/c momentum Sigma /sup -/ was studied in the hyperon beam experiment WA89 at the CERN-SPS, using the Omega -spectrometer. In two data-taking periods in 1993 and 1994 an integrated luminosity of 1600 mu b/sup -1/ on copper and carbon targets was recorded. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 13 (2000) 247-54
Strange particle production with $\Sigma^{-} \pi^{-}$ and neutrons in hyperon experiment WA89 at CERN / Zavertyaev, M V (CERN)
Inclusive differential cross sections for 19 strange particles production in high-energy Sigma /sup -/C, pi /sup -/ and neutron induced interactions are measured by the experiment WA89 at CERN. Secondary Sigma /sup -/ and pi /sup -/ beams with average momenta of 343 GeV/c and a neutron beam of 260 GeV/c were produced by primary protons of 450 GeV/c from the CERN SPS. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 93 (2001) 62-5
Evidence for Lambda /sub c//sup +/ in inclusive pp to ( Lambda /sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/)+X and pp to (K/sup -/ pi /sup +/p)+X at square root s=53 and 62 GeV / Lockman, W ; Erhan, S ; Meyer, T ; Rander, J ; Schlein, P E ; Webb, R ; Zsembery, J
A search for the charmed baryon, Lambda /sub c//sup +/, has been carried out in inclusively measured Lambda /sup 0/ pi /sup +or-/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ and K/sup -/ pi /sup +or-/p final states with longitudinal x>0.75 in an experiment at the CERN intersecting storage rings. An effect with invariant mass near 2.3 GeV is observed in Lambda /sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ with cross section times branching ratio B sigma =(2.8+or-1.0) mu b; a similar effect is observed in K/sup -/ pi /sup +/p with B sigma (2.3+or-0.3) mu b. [...]
1979 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 85 (1979) 443-6
Backward $K^{*0}$ production in the reaction $\pi^{-}p \rightarrow \Lambda^{0}K^{+}\pi^{-}$ at 9 and 12 GeV/ c / Ferrer, A ; Treille, D ; Rivet, P ; Volte, A ; Benkheiri, P ; De Rosny, G ; Rougé, A ; Bouquet, B ; D'Almagne, B ; Nguyen, H et al.
The authors have analysed about 85000 fast Lambda /sup 0/ events, obtained in a fast proton triggered experiment performed at the CERN- Omega spectrometer at 9 and 12 GeV/c incident pi /sup -/ beam. Nearly 2500 Lambda /sup 0/K/sup +/ pi /sup -/ events have been isolated. [...]
CERN-EP-80-97.- Geneva : CERN, 1981 - 27 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 178 (1981) 373-391 Fulltext: PDF;
Hyperon production with $\Sigma^{-}, \pi^{+}$ and neutrons in hyperon experiment WA89 at CERN / Zavertyaev, M V (CERN) /WA89 Collaboration
Inclusive differential cross sections for hyperon production in high- energy Sigma /sup -/, pi /sup -/ and neutron induced interactions are measured by the experiment WA89 at CERN. Secondary Sigma /sup -/ and pi /sup -/ beams with $9 average momenta of 345 GeV/c and a neutron beam of 260 GeV/c were produced by primary protons of 450 GeV/c from the CERN SPS. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 75 (1999) 24-7
Hyperon production in pp interactions at square root s=53 and 62 GeV / Erhan, S ; Lockman, W ; Meyer, T ; Rander, J ; Schlein, P E ; Webb, R
Inclusive measurements of Lambda /sup 0/, Lambda /sup 0/, Xi /sup -/, Sigma (1385)/sup +or-/ production in the forward direction at the CERN intersecting storage rings are presented. A signal for simultaneous Lambda /sup 0/ Lambda /sup 0/ production is also observed with total x >0.6, 2.3<M/sub lambda lambda /<2.5 GeV and with a cross section of (1.7+or-0.2) mu b. [...]
1979 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 85 (1979) 447-51

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