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High resolution study of U235(n$_{th}$,f) and Th229(n$_{th}$,f) with Cosi Fan Tutte mass spectrometer / Sicre, A ; Barreau, G ; Boukellal, A ; Caitucoli, F ; Doan, T P ; Leroux, B ; Geltenbort, P ; Gönnenwein, F ; Oed, A ; Asghar, M
- 1985. - 4 p.
CERN library copies
High resolution measurements of mass, energy and nuclear charge correlations for $^{229}$Th(n$_{th}$,f) with the COSI FAN TUTTE spectrometer / Boucheneb, N ; Geltenbort, P ; Asghar, M ; Barreau, G ; Doan, T P ; Gönnenwein, F ; Leroux, B ; Oed, A ; Sicre, A
CENBG-8923.- Talence : Bordeaux 1. Cent. Etud. Nucl., 1989 - 12 p.
In : International Conference on Fifty Years of Research in Nuclear Fission, Berlin, Germany, 3 - 7 Apr 1989, pp.261c-270c
Light nuclei from the thermal neutron induced fission of 235-U / Doan, T P ; Barreau, G ; Sicre, A ; Caitucoli, F ; Leroux, B ; Theobald, J P ; Mutterer, M ; Koszon, P
- 1985. - 4 p.
CERN library copies
Fission fragment energy correlation measurements for Cf-252(SF) / Barreau, G ; Sicre, A ; Caitucoli, F ; Asghar, M ; Doan, T P ; Leroux, B ; Martínez, G ; Benfoughal, T
- 1985. - 4 p.
CERN library copies
Progrès récents dans le domaine de la fission nucléaire / Leroux, B ; Barreau, G ; Benfoughal, T ; Caitucoli, F ; Cârjan, N ; Doan, T P ; Sicre, A
- 1981. - 13 p.
CERN library copies
Fission fragment mass energy correlation for 13 actinides ranging from Th to Cf / Caitucoli, F ; Asghar, M ; Barreau, G ; Leroux, B ; Perrin, P ; Maurel, M ; Doan, T P ; Sicre, A
- 1985. - 4 p.
CERN library copies
Emission of Be, C and O isotopes in $^{235}$U(n$_{th}$,f) / Sicre, A ; Baum, W A ; Barreau, G ; Doan, T P ; Göpfert, A ; Leroux, B ; Mutterer, M ; Theobald, J P ; Faust, H
- 1989. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
Mesure des corrélations masse-énergie dans la fission spontanée du $^{252}$Cf / Sicre, A ; Barreau, G ; Caitucoli, F ; Doan, T P ; Leroux, B ; Martínez, G ; Asghar, M ; Benfoughal, T
- 1985. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
The thermal-neutron-induced alpha-accompanied fission of $^{235}$U : Investigation of the low energy part of the alpha spectrum / Caitucoli, F
- 1980. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Ternary Particles from the Reactions ^2^2^9Th(n~t~h, f), ^2^3^3U(n~t ~h, f) and, ^2^3^9Pu(n~t~h, f / Woestheinrich, M ; Pfister, R ; Gönnenwein, F ; Denschlag, H O
In : 2nd International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy, Seyssins, France, 22 - 25 Apr 1998, pp.330-337

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