Neutron density distributions from antiprotonic 208Pb and 209Bi atoms
/ Klos, B. (Silesia U.) ; Trzcinska, A. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Jastrzebski, J. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Czosnyka, T. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Kisielinski, M. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Lubinski, P. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Napiorkowski, P. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Pienkowski, L. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Hartmann, F.J. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Ketzer, B. (Munich, Tech. U.) et al.
The X-ray cascade from antiprotonic atoms was studied for 208Pb and 209Bi. Widths and shifts of the levels due to the strong interaction were determined. [...]
2007 - 22 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 014311
APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0702016 PDF
Nucleon density in the nuclear periphery determined with antiprotonic x-rays : cadmium and tin isotopes
/ Schmidt, R. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Trzcinska, A. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Czosnyka, T. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; von Egidy, T. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Gulda, K. (Warsaw U.) ; Hartmann, F.J. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Jastrzebski, J. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Ketzer, B. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Kisielinski, M. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Klos, B. (Silesia U.) et al.
The x-ray cascade from antiprotonic atoms was studied for 106Cd, 116Cd, 112Sn, 116Sn, 120Sn, and 124Sn. Widths and shifts of the levels due to strong interaction were deduced. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2003 - 25 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 044308
APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0206015 PDF
Information on antiprotonic atoms and the nuclear periphery from the PS209 experiment
/ Trzcinska, A. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Jastrzebski, J. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Czosnyka, T. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; von Egidy, T. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Gulda, K. (Warsaw U.) ; Hartmann, F.J. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Iwanicki, J. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Ketzer, B. (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Kisielinski, M. (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Klos, B. (Silesia U.) et al.
In the PS209 experiments at CERN two kinds of measurements were performed: the in-beam measurement of X-rays from antiprotonic atoms and the radiochemical, off-line determination of the yield of annihilation products with mass number A_t -1 (less by 1 than the target mass). Both methods give observables which allows to study the peripheral matter density composition and distribution..
2001 - 6 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 692 (2001) 176-181
Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0103008 PDF
In : 6th Biennial Conference on Low-Energy Antiproton Physics, Venice, Italy, 20 - 26 Aug 2000
Heavy neutron rich nuclei: production and investigation
/ Zemlyanoy, S (Dubna, JINR) ; Avvakumov, K (Dubna, JINR) ; Kazarinov, N (Dubna, JINR) ; Fedosseev, V (CERN) ; Bark, R (iThemba LABS) ; Blazczak, Z (Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Janas, Z (Warsaw U.)
For production and investigation of heavy neutron rich nuclei devoted the new setup, which is under construction at Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) - JINR, Dubna now. This setup is planned to exploit available beams from the U-400M cyclotron in low energy multi-nucleon transfer reactions to study exotic neutron-rich nuclei located in the “north-east” region of nuclear map. [...]
2018 - 8 p.
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1023 (2018) 012004
Fulltext: 10.1088_1742-6596_1023_1_012004 - PDF; pdf - PDF;
In : 22nd International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, 10 - 16 Sep 2017, pp.012004
Pionic 4F-3D x-rays from $^{208}$Pb and $^{209}$Bi. - rev. version
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1984. - 16 p.
Fulltext - CERN library copies
Pionic 4F-3D x-rays from $^{208}$Pb and $^{209}$Bi
/ Olin, A ; Beer, G A ; Britton, D I ; Forsman, J W ; MacDonald, J A ; Marshall, G M ; Mason, G R ; Numao, T ; Poffenberger, P R ; Van Esbroek, P et al.
1984. - 1 p.
Fulltext - CERN library copies
Study of the scattering of $^{15}$C at energies around the Coulomb barrier
/ Ovejas, J D (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Knyazev, A (Lund U.) ; Martel, I (Liverpool U. ; Huelva U.) ; Tengblad, O (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Borge, M J G (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Cederkall, J (Lund U.) ; Keeley, N (NCBJ, Lodz) ; Rusek, K (Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; García-Ramos, C (Huelva U.) ; Pérez, T (Huelva U.) et al.
The neutron rich carbon isotope $^{15}$C is the only known case of an almost "pure" 2s$_{1/2}$ single-neutron halo ground state configuration. At collision energies around the Coulomb barrier the reaction dynamics is expected to be dominated by single neutron transfer and breakup [...]
2020 - 4 p.
- Published in : J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 1643 (2020) 012095
Fulltext: PDF;
In : International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29 Jul - 2 Aug 2019, pp.012095
Production and Study of Neutron Rich Heavy Nuclei, GALS Setup
/ Zemlyanoy, S G (Dubna, JINR) ; Zagrebaev, V I (Dubna, JINR) ; Avvakumov, K A (Dubna, JINR) ; Kazarinov, N Yu (Dubna, JINR) ; Kudryavtsev, Yu (Leuven U.) ; Fedosseev, V (CERN) ; Bark, R (iThemba LABS) ; Janas, Z (Warsaw U.)
To produce and investigate exotic heavy neutron rich nuclei located in the “north-east” region of nuclear map the new setup is under construction at Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of JINR, Dubna. In this setup available U-400M cyclotron beams will be used in low energy multi-nucleon transfer reactions. [...]
2020 - 7 p.
- Published in : 10.1142/9789811209451_0071
In : 9th International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (EXON 2018), Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, 10 - 15 Sep 2018, pp.492-498
Production and study of neutron rich heavy nuclei, GALS setup
/ Zemlyanoy, S (Dubna, JINR) ; Avvakumov, K (Dubna, JINR) ; Myshinsky, G (Dubna, JINR) ; Zhemenik, V (Dubna, JINR) ; Kudryavtsev, Yu (Leuven U.) ; Fedosseev, V (CERN) ; Bark, R (iThemba LABS) ; Janas, Z (Warsaw U.)
A new setup for production and investigation of exotic heavy neutron rich nuclei located in the "north-east" region of nuclear map is under construction at Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of JINR, Dubna. The setup will use the available U-400M cyclotron beams for low energy multi-nucleon transfer reactions. [...]
2020 - 6 p.
- Published in : J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 1555 (2020) 012021
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 23rd International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, 22 - 28 Sep 2019, pp.012021