CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 2,050 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.25 segundos. 
Spark rate analysis of the SPS electrostatic septa in LSS6, during period 7C
CERN-SPS-ABT-Tech-Note-82-1 - 1982. - 17 p.
Spark rate analysis of the SPS electrostatic septa in LSS2 during period 7C
CERN-SPS-ABT-EX-RLK-Tech-Note-81-09 - 1981. - 30 p.
Electrostatic septum tests in LSS6 with improved ion traps
CERN-SPS-Improvement-Report-196 ; CERN-SPS-ABT-RK-0042F - 1982. - 15 p.
More light on the spark mechanism in high voltage electrostatic Septa
CERN-SPS-82-15-ABT - 1982. - 5 p.
Ionisation damage to the ZS electrostatic septa during periods 3, 4 and 5, 1983
CERN-SPS-ABT-RK-Tech-Note-84-02-0566F - 1984. - 21 p.
Improved extraction efficiency in LSS6 using invar anodes and ultra-thin SEPTUM wires
CERN-SPS-ABT-RK-Tech-Note-84-08 - 1984. - 7 p.
Reglage des comparateurs mouvement poutre ZS en LSS6
CERN-SPS-ABT-FM-Tech-Note-76-05 - 1976. - 3 p.
L'alignement du ZS (LSS6)
CERN-SPS-ABT-Tech-Note-76-06 - 1976. - 21 p.
Improved 300 KV feedthroughs for the SPS electrostatic septa
CERN-SPS-ABT-Tech-Note-85-04 - 1985. - 13 p.
Will the wires of the electrostatic septa stand future high extracted intensities
CERN-SPS-Improvement-Report-195 ; CERN-SPS-ABT-EX-RK - 1982. - 9 p.

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