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Direct Photon Production in Heavy Ion Reactions at SPS and RHIC / Peitzmann, Thomas (Inst. Kernphys., Münster, Germany)
A review on experimental results for direct photon production in heavy ion reactions is given. A brief survey of early direct photon limits from SPS experiments is presented. [...]
nucl-ex/0201003.- Münster : Münster Univ., 2003 - 12 p. - Published in : Pramana - J. Phys. 60 (2003) 651-661 External link: Fulltext
In : 4th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma, Jaipur, India, 26 - 30 Nov 2001, pp.651-661
Direct Photons from Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions / Peitzmann, Thomas ; Thoma, M H
Direct photons have been proposed as a promising signature for the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Recently WA98 presented the first data on direct photons in Pb+Pb-collisions at SPS. [...]
hep-ph/0111114.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 89 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 364 (2002) 175-246 Access to fulltext document: 0111114.fig45 - PS.GZ; 0111114.figB2 - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig217 - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig48 - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig43b - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig411b - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig42a - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig43_5b - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig411a - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig410a - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig410b - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig412b - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig412a - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig46 - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig43_5a - PS.GZ; 0111114 - PDF; 0111114.fig43a - PS.GZ; 0111114.fig44 - PS.GZ; External link: hep-ph/0111114 PDF
Direct-photon production in heavy-ion collisions from SPS to RHIC energies / Reygers, K (Inst. fur Kernphys., Munster U., Germany.)
Direct photons are an important tool for the detection of the quark- gluon plasma in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. Direct-photon measurements were made in Pb+Pb collisions at surdS/sub NN/=17.2 GeV and in Au+Au collisions at surdS/sub NN/=200 GeV. [...]
2005 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 43 (2005) 393-8
Probing the final and initial state in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions-results from the WA98 experiment / Peitzmann, Thomas (CERN)
Recent results of the WA98 experiment studying 158 A GeV /sup 208/Pb+ /sup 208/Pb collisions at the CERN SPS are presented. Transverse momentum spectra of neutral pions emitted near midrapidity are studied. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999
In : 29th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Vancouver, Canada, 23 - 29 Jul 1998, pp.1469-73
Direct Photon Production in 158 A GeV $^{208}$ PB+$^{208}$ PB Collisions / Peitzmann, Thomas (U. of Münster) /WA98 Collaboration
A measurement of direct photon production in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV has been carried out in the CERN WA98 experiment. The invariant yield of direct photons in central collisions is extracted as a function of transverse momentum in the interval 0.5 < pT < 4 GeV/c. [...]
In : Conference on the Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century : Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Bologna, Italy, 29 May - 3 Jun 2000, pp.123-128
Strong-coupling diffusion in relativistic systems / Wolschin, Georg (Universitat Heidelberg, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany)
Different from the early universe, heavy-ion collisions at very high energies do not reach statistical equilibrium, although thermal models explain many of their features. To account for nonequilibrium strong-coupling effects, a Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent diffusion coefficient is proposed. [...]
2003 - Published in : Pramana - J. Phys. 60 (2003) 1035-1038
Photon Multiplicity Measurements : From SPS to RHIC and LHC / Mohanty, Bedangadas (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar 751 005, India)
Results from the photon multiplicity measurements using a fine granularity preshower photon multiplicity detector (PMD) at CERN SPS are discussed. These include study of pseudo-rapidity distributions of photons, scaling of photon multiplicity with number of participating nucleons, centrality dependence of mean transverse momentum of photons, event-by-event fluctuations in photon multiplicity and localised charged-neutral fluctuations. [...]
nucl-ex/0202012.- 2003 - 12 p. - Published in : Pramana - J. Phys. 60 (2003) 613-625 External link: Fulltext
In : 4th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma, Jaipur, India, 26 - 30 Nov 2001, pp.613-625
Multi-strange-quark states at ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions / Coffin, J P ; Kuhn, C ; Hippolyte, B ; Baudot, J ; Belikov, N I
We examine the possibility of producing and evidencing exotic strange matter (strangelets and metastable multi-hypernuclear objects, MEMO's), including also pure hyperonic bounds states ((LambdaLambda) //b, (XiLambda)//b), at RHIC and LHC. Simulations are presented to estimate the sensitivity of the STAR and ALICE experiments to the detection of these objects, focusing mainly on metastable short-lived (weak decaying) strange dibaryons, with a particular emphasis on the H-dibaryon, a six quark-bag bound state (uuddss). [...]
2003 - Published in : Pramana - J. Phys. 60 (2003) 1055-1058
Single photons, dileptons and hadrons from relativistic heavy ion collisions and quark-hadron phase transition / Srivastava, D K (Phys Group)
The production of single photons in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS as measured by the WA98 experiment is analysed. A quark gluon plasma is assumed to be formed initially, which expands, cools, hadronizes, and undergoes freeze-out. [...]
2001 - Published in : Pramana - J. Phys. 57 (2001) 235-49
Direct photons from relativistic heavy ion collisions at CERN SPS and at RHIC / Chaudhuri, A.K. (Technion ; Calcutta, VECC) ; Kodama, T. (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.)
Assuming QGP as the initial state, we have analyzed the direct photon data, obtained by the WA98 collaboration, in 158 A GeV Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS. [...]
- 2002. - 5 p.
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