CERN Accelerating science

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The strongly deformed nucleus /sup 100/Sr / Mattsson, S ; Azuma, R E ; Gustafsson, Hans Åke ; Hansen, P G ; Jonson, B ; Lindfors, V ; Nyman, G H ; Ragnarsson, I ; Ravn, H L ; Schardt, D
Experiments on the nucleus /sup 100/Sr are reviewed. The activity was produced by fission with 600 MeV protons on a uranium target and after mass separation studied by gamma-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy and by nanosecond lifetime measurements. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.430-5 (CERN-1981-009)
The strongly deformed nucleus $^{100}$Sr / Azuma, R E ; Borchert, G L ; Carraz, L C ; Hansen, P G ; Jonson, B ; Mattsson, S ; Nielsen, O B ; Nyman, G H ; Ragnarsson, I ; Ravn, H L /ISOLDE Collaboration
Two gamma -rays of 129.2 and 288.4 keV observed in the beta -decay of 55 ms /sup 100/Rb are interpreted as representing the two lowest transitions in the /sup 100/Sr ground-state rotational band. The energy ratio of the two levels, 3.23, approaches the value for a rigid rotator. [...]
CERN-EP-79-80.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 86 (1979) 5-8 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
The decay of $^{75}$Kr / Roeckl, E ; Lode, D ; Pessara, W /ISOLDE Collaboration
The decay of the isotope /sup 75/Kr (T/sub 1/2/=4.5+or-0.3 m) has been studied using mass separated sources produced at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A decay scheme is proposed based on gamma, position, and conversion electron singles and coincidence measurements. [...]
1974 - Published in : Z. Phys. 266 (1974) 123-128
The decay of /sup 153/Ho to the transitional N=87 nucleus /sup 153/Dy / Paris, P ; Liang, C F ; Péghaire, A
A preliminary /sup 153/Dy level scheme, fed from the decays of /sup 153/Ho, and /sup 153m/Ho is presented. At both Ho isomers correspond two distinct level schemes, with respectively low and high spins. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.598-601 (CERN-1981-009)
Octupole correlations in $^{229}Ra$ / ISOLDE Collaboration
The structure of /sup 229/Ra has been studied in the beta /sup -/ decay of /sup 229/Fr. Spins and parities have been determined from the conversion electron measurements, while half-lives for the 137.5, 142.7, 168.8, 213.0 and 479.0 keV levels have been measured in the ps and ns ranges via the fast timing beta gamma gamma (t) method. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 657 (1999) 355-90
Angular correlation and coincidence studies of excited 0/sup +/ and other levels in the transitional Ce nuclides /sup 142/Ce, /sup 144/Ce, /sup 146/Ce, and /sup 148/Ce / Walters, W B ; Brenner, D S ; Chrien, R ; Chu, Y Y ; Chung, C ; Gill, R ; Gowdy, G ; Liou, H I ; Petry, R ; Shmid, M et al.
The decays of the neutron-rich nuclides /sup 142/La, /sup 144/La, /sup 146/La and /sup 148/La to the levels of the transitional nuclides /sup 142/Ce, /sup 114/Ce, /sup 146/Ce and /sup 148/Ce, respectively, have been studied using mass-separated sources. Angular correlation studies have been employed to identify new excited 0/sup +/ levels in /sup 146 /Ce and support spin and parity assignments for 1/sup -/, 3/sup -/, 2 /sup +/, 3/sup +/, 4/sup +/ and 6/sup +/ levels in /sup 144/Ce and /sup 146/Ce. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.557-61 (CERN-1981-009)
The decays of neutron deficient /sup 103/In and /sup 102/In / Béraud, R ; Charvet, A ; Duffait, R ; Emsallem, A ; Genevey, J ; Gizon, A ; Gizon, J ; Meyer, M ; Tréherne, J
Using an on-line mass isotopic separator operating on nuclear reactions induced by heavy ions, /sup 102/In(T/sub 1/2/=24+4 seconds) has been identified for the first time. Gamma-rays observed in the decays of /sup 103/In to /sup 103/Cd and /sup 102/In to /sup 102/Cd complement previous in-beam experiments on /sup 103/Cd and /sup 102 /Cd. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.692-5 (CERN-1981-009)
The decay of /sub 86//sup 209/Rn/sub 123/ to levels in /sub 85//sup 209/At/sub 124/ / Jonson, B ; Alpsten, M ; Appelqvist, A ; Bengtsson, B ; Johansson, K A
The decay of /sup 209/Rn to levels in /sup 209/At has been investigated. Gamma rays were studied in singles and coincidences using Ge(Li) detectors. [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Scr. 8 (1973) 142-8
The decay of /sup 120/Xe / Münnich, F ; Höglund, A ; Lode, D ; Pessara, W ; Schrader, H
The decay scheme of 40 min /sup 120/Xe has been investigated using isotopically separated sources produced by the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A total number of 202 gamma -transitions has been observed in this decay; 188 of them have been placed in a level scheme involving 34 excited states in /sup 120/I. [...]
1974 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 224 (1974) 437-67
Mirror decay of $^{75}$Sr / Huikari, J ; Oinonen, M ; Algora, A ; Cederkäll, J ; Courtin, S ; Dessagne, P ; Fraile-Prieto, L M ; Franchoo, S ; Fynbo, H O U ; Huang Wan Xia et al.
The beta -decay of /sup 75/Sr to its mirror nucleus /sup 75/Rb was studied at the ISOLDE PSB facility at CERN by means of beta -delayed gamma and proton spectroscopy. The decay Q-value and beta -delayed gamma intensity were measured for the first time. [...]
2003 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 16 (2003) 359-63

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