CERN Accelerating science

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Hunting the dibaryon d'(2065) / Wagner, G J ; Denig, A ; Kluge, W ; Pätzold, J ; Amaudruz, P A ; Ambardar, A R ; Bilger, R ; Bonutti, F ; Camerini, P ; Clark, J et al.
1998 - Published in : Acta Phys. Pol. B 29 (1998) 2415-2423
Meson production in light ion collisions at CELSIUS / PROMICE-WASA Collaboration
- 1996. - 13 p.
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Appendix to the minutes of the users meetings BV27 at PSI : PSI proposal / Bilger, R ; Clement, H ; Cröni, M ; Denz, H ; Gräter, J ; Meier, R ; Pätzold, J ; Wagner, G J ; Van den Brandt, B ; Hautle, P et al.
- 1998. - 29 p.
The CHAOS Spectrometer for Pion Physics at TRIUMF / Smith, G R ; Amaudruz, P A ; Brack, J T ; Felawka, L ; Gorelov, A V ; Henderson, R A ; Ottewell, D F ; Vincent, P ; Wu, Y ; Bonutti, F et al.
- 1994. - 28 p.
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The pp --> pp$\eta$ reaction near the kinematical threshold / Calén, H ; Carius, S ; Fransson, K ; Gustafsson, L ; Häggström, S ; Höistad, Bo ; Johansson, A ; Johansson, T ; Kullander, Sven ; Moehn, J et al.
- 1995. - 8 p.
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6th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon v.1 6th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon   10 - 14 Jul 1995  - Blaubeuren, Germany  / Wagner, Gerhard J (ed.); Bilger, Ralph (ed.); Hehl, Torsten (ed.)
1995 - Published in : $\pi N$ Newsl.: 10 (1995)
Classical spin in external fields / Martemyanov, B V ; Schepkin, M G
ITEF-88-86 ; ITEP-86-88.
- 1988. - 7 p.
CERN library copies
A trigger for the identification of pions stopped in an active target / Raywood, K ; Ambardar, A R ; Lange, J B ; Sevior, M E
- 1995. - 14 p.
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Relativistic ls coupling in scalar potential / Martemyanov, B V ; Schepkin, M G
- 1986. - 6 p.
Radial excited mesons in the M.I.T. bag model / Schepkin, M G
In : 18th International Conference on High-energy Physics, v.1, Tbilisi, Georgia, 15 - 21 Jul 1976, pp.C/105-107

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