CERN Accelerating science

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Detector applications in medecine and biology

Del Guerra, Alberto
3661 / 09 January 1995 / © 1995-2024 CERN
Keywords: Applications de détecteurs dans les domaines de la médecine et la biologie, radiolgie, rayons X Language: English
Date: 1995

Introduction to detectors / Walenta, Albert H
Concepts for momentum measurements,particle identification and energy measurements (calorimeters) as well for imaging applications in medecine, biology and industry (non destructive testing) will be put into relation to the specific detection princip In particular the resolution for position, time, energy and intensity measurement and the efficiency will be discussed. Signal extraction,electronic signal processing and principles of information capture will close the logic circle to the input : the radiation properties.The lecture will provide some sources for data tables and small demonstration computer programs f The basic detector physics as interaction of radiation with matter, information transport via free charges,photons and phonons and the signal formation will be presented in some depth with emphasis on the influence on specific parameters for detector The lecture will cover the most popular detector principles, gas detectors (ion chambers,MPWC's and MSGC's), semiconductor detectors scintillators and cryogenic detectors..
Geneva : CERN, 1995 - 3562. CERN Academic Training Lecture, 314; Lectures for Postgraduate Students Fulltext: PDF; Transparencies, pt.1: TIF; Transparencies, pt.2: TIF; External links: Video-292287-a; Video-292287-c; Video-292287-e; Video-292287-b; Video-292287-d
In : Academic Training Lectures, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 Sep 1995 - 30 Jun 1996
"Hadrons for Health" An Exhibition on Physics in Medicine and Biology
"Hadrons pour la sante" Une exposition sur la physique en medecine et en biologie

Published in: CERN Bulletin Issue No. 3/1996
Geneva : CERN, 1996

Festschrift Charpak (Georges) on his 65th birthday

1 VHS video ; 62:30 1 VHS video ; 50:00 / 30 Oct 1989 / © 1989-2024 CERN
Keywords: anniversary, particle physics, detectors Language: eng,fre
Date: 1989

A design of rugged nuclear radiation detector for medical and biological applications / Allsworth, F L ; Awcock, M L ; Howes, J H
- 1975. - 11 p.
Les détecteurs : de la physique des particules à la biologie / Charpak, Georges
- 1994. - 42 p.
Fulltext - Fulltext - CERN library copies
4th International Conference on Applications of Physics in Medicine and Biology : Advanced Detectors for Medical Imaging - Advanced Detectors for Medical Imaging   21 - 25 Sep 1992  - Trieste, Italy  .-
Applications in medecine /CERN Council Strategy Group
Geneva : CERN, 2006 Towards a European strategy for particle physics External link: Homepage
In : The European strategy for particle physics, pp.28-29
Détecteurs : Détecteurs électroniques médecine
Published in: Courrier CERN Volume 30, N° 2, Mars 1990
Genève : CERN, 1990
Genetics, genomes and cloning : the biotechnology revolution ; 1999 ed. / Scott, H S (speaker)
As this century draws to a close, spectacular advances in the fields of genomics and genetics are opening up dramatic new horizons for medicine. For much of the 20th century, genetic research has focused on rare diseases caused by mutations in a particular gene. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999 - 3573. CERN Summer Student Lecture Programme, 1999 External links: Agenda; Video-406755
In : Summer Student Lecture Program, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 Jul - 31 Aug 1999

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