Development of new solid-state total-energy detectors for neutron-capture measurements at CERN n\_TOF
/ Aberle, O (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland) ; Alcayne, V (Centro de Investigaciones Energ\'{e}ticas Medioambientales y Tecnol\'{o}gicas (CIEMAT), Spain) ; Bacak, M (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland) ; Balibrea-Correa, J (Instituto de F\'{\i}sica Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia, Spain) ; Colonna, N (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bari, Italy) ; Cano-Ott, D (Centro de Investigaciones Energ\'{e}ticas Medioambientales y Tecnol\'{o}gicas (CIEMAT), Spain) ; Casanovas, A (Universitat Polit\`{e}cnica de Catalunya, Spain) ; Domingo-Pardo, C (Instituto de F\'{\i}sica Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia, Spain) ; Fjeld, O (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland) ; Gunsing, F (CEA Irfu, Universit\'{e} Paris-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France) et al.
CERN-INTC-2023-034 ; INTC-I-254.
Towards a new generation of solid total-energy detectors for neutron-capture time-of-flight experiments with intense neutron beams
/ Balibrea-Correa, J. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Babiano-Suarez, V. (Valencia U. ; Barcelona, Polytechnic U.) ; Lerendegui-Marco, J. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Domingo-Pardo, C. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Ladarescu, I. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; de la Fuente-Rosales, G. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Gameiro, B. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Zaitseva, N. (LLNL, Livermore) ; Alcayne, V. (Madrid, CIEMAT) et al.
Challenging neutron-capture cross-section measurements of small cross sections and samples with a very limited number of atoms require high-flux time-of-flight facilities. In turn, such facilities need innovative detection setups that are fast, have low sensitivity to neutrons, can quickly recover from the so-called $\gamma$-flash, and offer the highest possible detection sensitivity. [...]
2024-11-30 - 24 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1072 (2025) 170110
Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2411.18969 - PDF;
Pushing the high count rate limits of scintillation detectors for challenging neutron-capture experiments
/ Balibrea-Correa, J. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Lerendegui-Marco, J. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Babiano-Suarez, V. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Domingo-Pardo, C. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Ladarescu, I. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. (Valencia U. ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Fuente-Rosales, G. De La ; Alcayne, V. (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Cano-Ott, D. (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; González-Romero, E. (Madrid, CIEMAT) et al.
One of the critical aspects for the accurate determination of neutron capture cross sections when combining time-of-flight and total energy detector techniques is the characterization and control of systematic uncertainties associated to the measuring devices. In this work we explore the most conspicuous effects associated to harsh count rate conditions: dead-time and pile-up effects. [...]
2024-04-25 - 13 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1064 (2024) 169385
Fulltext: 2311.01365 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
First measurement of the $^{94}$Nb($n$,$\gamma$) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility
/ n_TOF Collaboration
One of the crucial ingredients for the improvement of stellar models is the accurate knowledge of neutron capture cross-sections for the different isotopes involved in the $s$-,$r$- and $i$- processes. These measurements can shed light on existing discrepancies between observed and predicted isotopic abundances and help to constrain the physical conditions where these reactions take place along different stages of stellar evolution.In the particular case of the radioactive $^{94}$Nb, the $^{94}$Nb($n$,$\gamma$) cross-section could play a role in the determination of the $s$-process production of $^{94}$Mo in AGB stars, which presently cannot be reproduced by state-of-the-art stellar models. [...]
2023 - 8 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf.: 279 (2023) , pp. 06004
Fulltext: 2301.11199 - PDF; document - PDF; Publication - PDF;
In : 10th Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics (NPA-X 2022), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 - 9 Sep 2022, pp.06004