CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,046 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.11 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Method for Efficiency and Time Response Measurement on Diverse Target Ion Sources with Stable Alkali / Pichard, A (GANIL) ; Alcantara Nunez, J A (GANIL) ; Alves Conde, R (GANIL) ; Dubois, M (GANIL) ; Frigot, R (GANIL) ; Jardin, P (GANIL) ; Lecomte, Pierre (GANIL) ; Pacquet, J Y (GANIL) ; Saint-Laurent, M G (GANIL)
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPC154
Development of a surface ionization source for the production of radioactive alkali ion beams in SPIRAL / Eléon, C (GANIL) ; Jardin, P (GANIL) ; Gaubert, G (GANIL) ; Saint-Laurent, M G (GANIL) ; Alcántara-Nuñez, J (GANIL) ; Alvès Condé, R (GANIL) ; Barué, C (GANIL) ; Boilley, D (GANIL) ; Cornell, J (GANIL) ; Delahaye, P (CERN) et al.
2008 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 266 (2008) 4362-4367
Production of multi- charged phosphorus ions with ecris "SUPERHyPIE" at GANIL / Pacquet, J Y ; Leroy, R ; Maunoury, L ; Barué, C ; Canet, C ; Dubois, M ; Dupuis, M ; Durantel, F ; Flambard, J L ; Gaubert, G et al.
- 2003. - 5 p.
Production of phosphorus and carbon ions with MONO 1001 / Pacquet, J Y ; Leroy, R ; Barué, C ; Canet, C ; Dubois, M ; Dupuis, M ; Durantel, F ; Flambard, J L ; Gaubert, G ; Jardin, P et al.
- 2003. - 9 p.
MONO 1001 / Pacquet, J Y ; Leroy, R ; Barué, C ; Canet, C ; Dubois, M ; Dupuis, M ; Flambard, J L ; Gaubert, G ; Jardin, P ; Kansas, S et al.
- 2002. - 18 p.
Atom-to-ion transformation time in singly-charged ECRISs / Jardin, P ; Farabolini, W ; Gaubert, G ; Pacquet, J Y ; Cornell, J ; Durantel, F ; Huet-Equilbec, C ; Lecesne, N ; Leroy, R ; Saint-Laurent, M G et al.
- 2005. - 12 p.
Fulltext - CERN library copies
GISELE: A resonant ionization laser ion source for the production of radioactive ions at GANIL / Lecesne, N (GANIL) ; Saint-Laurent, M G (GANIL) ; Wendt, K (Mainz U.) ; Mattolat, C (Mainz U.) ; Rothe, S (CERN) ; Pichard, A (GANIL) ; Pacquet, J Y (GANIL) ; Dubois, M (GANIL) ; Coterreau, E (Orsay, IPN) ; Franberg, H (GANIL) et al.
SPIRAL2 is the new project under construction at GANIL to produce radioactive ion beams and in particular neutron rich ion beams. For the past 10 yr SPIRAL1 at GANIL has been delivering accelerated radioactive ion beams of gases. [...]
2010 - Published in : Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 02A910
In : International Conference on Ion Sources, Gatlinburg, TN, USA, 20 - 25 Sep 2009, pp.02A910
Rnb Production At Spiral Ganil / Villari, A C C ; Landre-Pellemoine, F ; Barue, C ; Gaubert, G ; Gibouin, S ; Huguet, Y ; Jardin, P ; Kandri-Rody, S ; Lecesne, N ; Leroy, R et al.
- 2000.
IN2P3 Publications database
Ion source developement at GANIL for radioactive beams and high charge state ions / Leroy, R ; Barué, C ; Canet, C ; Dupuis, M ; Flambard, J L ; Gaubert, G ; Gibouin, S ; Huguet, Y ; Jardin, P ; Lecesne, N et al.
- 2001. - 8 p.
Fulltext - Fulltext
Ion source developments for RNB production at SPIRAL/GANIL / Villari, A C C ; Barue, C ; Gaubert, G ; Gibouin, S ; Huguet, Y ; Jardin, P ; Kandri-Rody, S ; Landre-Pellemoine, F ; Lecesne, N ; Leroy, R et al.
GANIL-P-2000-28.- Caen : GANIL, 2002 - 6 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 701 (2002) 476-479 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 5th International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams, Divonne-les-Bains, France, 3 - 8 Apr 2000, pp.476-479

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