CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,051 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.11 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Run 800 - 18th January 1977 - 26 GeV/c - Rings 1 and 2, Run 810 - 3rd February 1977 - 26 GeV/c - Ring 2, Running-in Tests of the I1 S.C. Solenoid with the Low-B Sheme / Bryant, P J ; Guignard, G ; Kantardjian, G
1977 - 14.
Run 776 - 18 November - 26 GeV/c - Rings 1 and 2, Run 791 - 13 December 1976 - 26 GeV/c - Physics set-up and run, Run 764 - 20 December 1976 - 26 GeV/c - Physics run and luminosity, First running-in tests of I1 superconducting solenoid / Bryant, P J ; Guignard, G ; Kantardjian, G ; Potter, K
1977 - 29.
Run 884 - 20 October 1977, Rings 1 and 2 - 26 GeV/c, Low-B and solenoid ON / Bryant, P J ; Guignard, G
1977 - 1.
Run 554 - 22 November 1974, Rings 1 and 2 - 26 GeV/c - Booster : Fourth test of steel low-B section / Brand, K ; Hübner, K ; Bryant, P J ; Pichler, S ; Gröbner, Oswald ; Potter, K ; Guignard, G
1974 - 15.
Run 772 - 8.11.1976, Run 776 - 19.11.1976, Run 779 - 22.11.1976, Rings 1 and 2 - 26 GeV/c, Tests of the low-B insertion in I1 / Brand, K ; Gourber, J P ; Kantardjian, G
1977 - 15.
Run 1015, 22.3.79, 26 GeV/c, rings 1 and 2, Run 1017, 26.3.79, 26 GeV/c, rings 1 and 2, First running-in tests of the OAFM system / Guignard, G ; Taylor, T M
1979 - 13.
Run 427 - 6th March 1974, Ring 2 - 11 Gev/c : Solenoid Measurements at 11 GeV/c / Bryant, P J ; Kantardjian, G
1974 - 8.
Run 564 26 GeV/c Low-B, Rings 1 and 2, 10.12.74 : Vertical Closed Orbit Bumps for the Low-B Insertion / Potter, K M
1975 - 6.
Run 974 - 11.09.1978, Ring 1 Ring 2 26 GeV/c, PFW Currents for the SC low-B sheme in I8 / Verdier, A
1978 - 10.
Run 390 - 26 November 1973 - Ring 2 - 22 GeV/c, Run 400 - 6 December 1973 - Ring 2 - 26 GeV/c, Run 403 - 11 December 1973 - Ring 2 - 22 GeV/c : Preliminary investigations of the perturbations caused by a solenoid inclined to the beam axis / Bryant, P J ; Kantardjian, G
1973 - 27.

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