CERN Accelerating science

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Proposal to study the reactions $\pi^{+} + p \rightarrow \Sigma^{+} + K^{+} , K^{-} + p \rightarrow \pi^{-} + \Sigma^{+}$ and other 2-body processes at 10 GeV/c / Eide, Å (CERN) ; Lundby, Arne (CERN) ; Carlson, P J (Stockholm) ; Johansson, E (Stockholm) ; Gracco, Valerio (Genova) ; Ferroni, S (Genova) ; Homer, R J (Birminnham Univ.) ; Damerell, C J S (Rutherford Lab.) ; Ratcliff, B (Rutherford Lab.) ; Tso, T (Rutherford Lab.)
- 1971. - 14 p.
A study of the reactions $\pi^{+}p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{+}$ and $K^{−}p \rightarrow \pi^{-} \Sigma^{+}$ at 10 GeV/c / Berglund, A (Stockholm Univ.) ; Buran, T (CERN) ; Carlson, P J (Stockholm Univ.) ; Damerell, C J S (Rutherford Lab.) ; Endo, I (Hiroshima University) ; Gillman, A R (Rutherford Lab.) ; Gracco, Valerio (INFN Genova) ; Homer, R J (Birmingham Univ.) ; Hotchkiss, M J (Rutherford Lab.) ; Lundby, Arne (CERN) et al.
1975 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 57 (1975) 100-104
A study of the line reversed hypercharge exchange reactions $\pi^{+}p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{+}(1385)$ and $K^{−}p \rightarrow \pi^{-} \Sigma^{+}(1385)$ at 10 GeV/c / Berglund, A (Stockholm Univ.) ; Buran, T (CERN) ; Carlson, P J (Stockholm Univ.) ; Damerell, C J S (Rutherford Lab.) ; Endo, I (Hiroshima University) ; Gillman, A R (Rutherford Lab.) ; Gracco, Valerio (INFN Genova) ; Homer, R J (Birmingham Univ.) ; Hotchkiss, M J (Rutherford Lab.) ; Lundby, Arne (CERN) et al.
1975 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 60 (1975) 117-120
An experimental test of exchange degeneracy in the hypercharge exchange reactions $\pi^{+}p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{+}$ and $K^{-}p \rightarrow \pi^{-}\Sigma^{+}$ / Berglund, A J (Stockholm U.) ; Buran, T (CERN) ; Carlson, P J (Stockholm U.) ; Damerell, C J S (Rutherford) ; Endo, I (CERN) ; Gillman, A R (Rutherford) ; Gracco, Valerio (INFN, Genova) ; Homer, R James (Birmingham U.) ; Hotchkiss, M J (Rutherford) ; Lundby, Arne (CERN) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1978 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 73 (1978) 369-374 Fulltext: PDF;
Letter of Intention : Study of (primarily) two-body processes at ~ 10 GeV with incident $\pi^{\pm}$ , $ K^{\pm}$ and $p^{\pm}$ on protons / Damerell, C J S (Rutherford Lab.) ; Homer, R J (Rutherford Lab.) ; Tso, T (Rutherford Lab.) ; Gracco, Valerio (Genova) ; Carlson, P J (Stockholm) ; Johansson, E (Stockholm) ; Eide, A (CERN) ; Lundby, Arne (CERN) ; Staurset, P (CERN)
- 1971. - 4 p.
$\pi^{-}p, K^{-}p$ and $\overline{p}p$ elastic scattering and two-body annihilations at 6.20 GeV/c / Baglin, C (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Briandet, P (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Buran, T (CERN) ; Carlson, Per J (Stockholm Univ.) ; D'Almagne, B (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay) ; Damerell, C (Rutherford Lab.) ; De Rosny, G (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Eide, A (CERN) ; Fleury, P (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Gracco, Valerio (INFN Genova) et al.
In : International Seminar on Binary Reactions of Hadrons at High Energies, Dubna, Soviet Union, 3 Jun 1971, pp.256-270
A study of the reactions $\pi^{+}p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{+}$ and $K^{−}p \rightarrow \pi^{-} \Sigma^{+}$ and other 2-body processes at 10 GeV/c
Approved: 03 November 1971.-
Status: Finished
Experiment: S120
An experimental test of exchange degeneracy in the reactions $\pi^{+}p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{+}, \pi^{+}p \rightarrow K^{+} \Sigma^{+}(1385)$ and their line-reversed partners / Berglund, A J ; Buran, T ; Carlson, P J ; Damerell, C J S ; Endo, I ; Gillman, A R ; Gracco, Valerio ; Homer, R James ; Hotchkiss, M J ; Lundby, Arne et al.
CERN-EP-79-117.- Geneva : CERN, 1980 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 166 (1980) 25-61 Fulltext: PDF;
Letter of Intention : Large angle-scattering at $\approx$ 7 GeV/ / Baglin, C ; Briandet, P ; Carlson, Per J ; D'Almagne, B ; Damerell, C J S ; Eide, A ; Fleury, P ; Gracco, Valerio ; Johansson, E ; Lehmann, P et al.
- 1971. - 1 p.
Spectrometers for the study of 2-body inelastic processes up to 200 GeV/c / Buran, T (Oslo U.) ; Damerell, C (Rutherford High energy lab., Chilton) ; Gracco, V (Univ. Genova, Genova ; INFN Genova) ; Lundby, A (CERN)
- 1972. - 22 p.
Full text

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