CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,016 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächsteEnde  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 1.05 Sekunden gedauert. 
Translation invariant quantum field theory with De-Sitter momentum space off the mass shell / Donkov, A D ; Kadyshevskij, V G ; Mateev, M D ; Mir-Kasimov, R M
- 1974. - 22 p.
On a solution of the charge quantization problem / Kadyshevskij, V G ; Mateev, M D ; Mir-Kasimov, R M
- 1975. - 8 p.
On the principle of gauge invariance in the field theory with curved momentum space / Mir-Kasimov, R M
IAEA-ICTP-90-407 ; IC-90-407.
- 1990. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Local gauge invariant QED with fundamental length / Kadyshevskij, V G ; Mateev, M D
JINR-E2-81-460 ; JINR-P2-81-460.
- 1981. - 6 p. CERN library copies
The potential and quasipotential models for bound quarks / Mir-Kasimov, R M
In : 18th International Conference on High-energy Physics, v.1, Tbilisi, Georgia, 15 - 21 Jul 1976, pp.C/108-110
SU$_{q}$(1,1) and the relativistic oscillator / Mir-Kasimov, R M
IAEA-ICTP-90-383 ; IC-90-383.
- 1990. - 24 p.
CERN library copies
Generalized coherent states for a three-dimensional relativistic model of the oscillator / Atakishiyev, N M ; Mir-Kasimov, R M
- 1986. - 6 p.
Generalized coherent states for a relativistic model of the linear oscillator / Atakishiyev, N M ; Mir-Kasimov, R M
- 1985. - 10 p. CERN library copies
Can we treat the confinement as a pure relativistic effect? / Kagramanov, E D ; Mir-Kasimov, R M ; Nagiyev, S M
IAEA-ICTP-89-43 ; IC-89-43.
- 1989. - 7 p. CERN library copies
The smooth quasipotentials and the scattering of high energy hadrons / Amirkhanov, I V ; Grusha, G V ; Mir-Kasimov, R M
E2-10952 ; JINR-E2-10952.
- 1977. - 15 p.
CERN library copies

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