CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,023 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.33 segons. 
Matching LEP2 optics for bunch trains with more sc cavities
CERN-SL-Note-95-44-AP - 1995. - 8 p.
Matching LEP2 optics for bunch trains with more SC cavities / Zhang, C
SL-Note-95-44-AP.- Geneva : CERN, 1995 - 8 p. Note Fulltext: PDF;
Tune and chromaticity splits in bunch trains
CERN-SL-Note-95-18-AP - 1995. - 7 p.
More results on tune and chromaticity splits in bunch trains
CERN-SL-Note-95-25-AP - 1995. - 11 p.
Variation of side effects of bunch trains with the bump amplitude
CERN-SL-Note-95-51-AP-Rev. - 1995. - 6 p.
Side effects of bunch trains in the November 1994 configuration
CERN-SL-Note-94-88-AP - 1994. - 12 p.
Parasitic beam-beam perturbation for injection configurations in bunch trains
CERN-SL-Note-95-41-AP - 1995. - 7 p.
A side effects of bunch trains and for the optics MO5P46
CERN-SL-95-13-AP - 1995. - 16 p.
Modified odd pits for LEP with short bunch trains
CERN-SL-Note-94-22-AP - 1994. - 10 p.
SPS bunch pattern for new LEP bunch trains
CERN-SL-Note-94-76-RF - 1994. - 13 p.

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