CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,051 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.56 segons. 
Experiment: Coupling beam transfer function measurement and linear coupling compensation with the skew quadrupole : Date: May 12th, 1982 / Poncet, A
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-55.- Geneva : CERN, 1983 - 6 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Vertical resistive wall transverse instability at 1855 kHz stack frequency (unbunched proton beam) : Date: 28 October 1982 / Poncet, A
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-3.- Geneva : CERN, 1981 - 5 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Measurement of Beta values on the central orbit by shunting quadrupoles : Date: 26.2.1982 / Wilson, E J N
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-25.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Measurement of p-field with 1) the new non-linear horn 2) the pulsed target : Date: September 1982 / Jones, E
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-42.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Measurement of emittance increase in transferring the 3.5 GeV/c test proton beam from the PS to the the AA : Date: March 19, 1982 / Sherwood, R
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-19.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Soft aperture limit, coupling experiments at different p momenta and yield versus aperture : Date: 17.12.1982 / Johnson, C D
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-54.- Geneva : CERN, 1983 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Investigation of vertical aperture limits with remotely controlled quadrupole jacks : Date: 24.2.1982 / Wilson, E J N ; Autin, B
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-27.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 6 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Aperture exploration using antiprotons and coupling experiments in the AA : Date: 10th, 14th, 17th November 1982 / Johnson, C D
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-52.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 12 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Experiment: Performance of closed orbit observation system as function of beam intensity : Date: 24.2.1982 / Koziol, H
CERN-PS-AA-ME-Note-35.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Chromaticity measurements at 10 GeV/c. May 12th, 4h-10h
CERN-SPS-ME-82-03-AOP - 1982. - 3 p.

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