CERN Accelerating science

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Status of the CLIC study on magnet stabilisation and time-dependent luminosity / Assmann, R W (CERN) ; Coosemans, Williame (CERN) ; Guignard, Gilbert (CERN) ; Leros, Nicolas (CERN) ; Redaelli, S (CERN) ; Schnell, Wolfgang (CERN) ; Schulte, Daniel (CERN) ; Wilson, Ian H (CERN) ; Zimmermann, Frank (CERN)
The nanometer beam size at the CLIC interaction point imposes magnet vibration tolerances that range from 0.2 nm to a few nanometers. This is well below the floor vibra-tion usually observed. [...]
CERN-SL-2002-046-AP; CLIC-Note-530.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 4 p. Linear Colliders, New Modes of Acceleration, and Advanced Concepts; Report Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris, France, 3 - 7 Jun 2002, pp.446 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
The CLIC stability study on the feasibility of colliding high energy nanobeams / Assmann, R W ; Coosemans, Williame ; Guignard, Gilbert (CERN) ; Leros, Nicolas ; Redaelli, S ; Schulte, Daniel (CERN) ; Wilson, Ian H (CERN) ; Zimmermann, Frank
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study at CERN proposes a linear collider with nanometer-size colliding beams at an energy of 3 TeV c.m. ("colliding high energy nanobeams"). [...]
In : 26th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nanometer Size Colliding Beams, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 - 6 Sep 2002, pp.87-92
The effect of cooling water on magnet vibrations / Redaelli, S (CERN) ; Assmann, R W (CERN) ; Coosemans, Williame (CERN) ; Schnell, Wolfgang (CERN)
The quadrupole magnets in the CLIC Test Facility II (CTF2) incorporate a water cooling circuit. In the frame-work of the CLIC stability study, the mechanical vibrations of the magnets were measured for different flows of cool-ing water. [...]
CERN-SL-2002-040-AP; CLIC-Note-531.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 4 p. Linear Colliders, New Modes of Acceleration, and Advanced Concepts; Report Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris, France, 3 - 7 Jun 2002, pp.485 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
The CLIC Study of Magnet Stability and Time-dependent Luminosity Performance / Aleksa, Martin (CERN) ; Assmann, R W (CERN) ; Coosemans, Williame (CERN) ; Guignard, Gilbert (CERN) ; Leros, Nicolas (CERN) ; Mayoud, Michel (CERN) ; Redaelli, S (CERN) ; Ruggiero, F (CERN) ; Russenschuck, Stephan (CERN) ; Schulte, Daniel (CERN) et al.
The present parameters of the CLIC study require the collision of small emittance beams with a vertical spot size of 1 nm. The tolerances on vertical quadrupole vi-bration (above a few Hz) are as small as a few nm in the linac and most of the Final Focus. [...]
CERN-SL-2001-045-AP; CLIC-Note-495.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 4 p. Report Fulltext: PDF; IEEE Published version, local copy: PDF;
In : 19th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 18 - 22 Jun 2001, pp.e-proc. 3774 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Dynamic effects in the main linac of CLIC / Leros, N ; Schulte, D
CERN-PS-2001-029-AE; CLIC-Note-483.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Stabilization of Nanometre-Size Particle Beams in the Final Focus System of the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) / Redaelli, S
The Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) study at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is developing the design of a 3 TeV e+ e- linear collider [...]
CERN-AB-2004-026-ABP CLIC-Note-595. - Lausanne : Inst. Phys. Hautes Energies, 2003 - 174.

Feedback response in the CLIC main linac to transverse and longitudinal dynamic imperfections / Leros, N ; Schulte, D
CERN-PS-2002-042-AE; CLIC-Note-524.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Static Beam-Based Alignment of the RF Structures in the CLIC Main Linac / Leros, N ; Schulte, D
CERN-PS-2002-043-AE; CLIC-Note-525.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Modal Analysis and Measurement of Water Cooling Induced Vibrations on a CLIC Main Beam Quadrupole Prototype   / Artoos, K (CERN) ; Collette, C (CERN) ; Esposito, M (CERN) ; Fernandez Carmona, P (CERN) ; Guinchard, M (CERN) ; Janssens, S (CERN) ; Leuxe, R (CERN) ; Modena, M (CERN) ; Moron Ballester, R (CERN) ; Struik, M (CERN) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.3: Linac & FF Stabilization

To reach the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) design luminosity, the mechanical jitter of the CLIC main beam quadrupoles should be smaller than 1.5 nm integrated root mean square (r.m.s.) displacement above 1 Hz. [...]
CERN-ATS-2011-237 ; EuCARD-CON-2011-031 ; CLIC-Note-915.
- 2011 - 4.
Published version from JACoW - Access to fulltext document - Fulltext
Compatibility and Integration of a CLIC Quadrupole Nanometre-Stabilization and Positioning system in a Large Accelerator Environment   / Artoos, K (CERN) ; Collette, C (CERN) ; Fernandez Carmona, P (CERN) ; Guinchard, M (CERN) ; Hauviller, C (CERN) ; Janssens, S (CERN) ; Kuzmin, A (CERN) ; Slaathaug, A (CERN) ; Sylte, M (CERN)
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.3: Linac & FF Stabilization

A prerequisite for a successful nanometer level magnet stabilization and pointing system is a low background vibration level. [...]
EuCARD-CON-2010-019 ; CLIC-Note-845 ; CERN-ATS-2010-158.
- 2010 - 3.
Published version from JACoW - Fulltext - Fulltext

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