CERN Accelerating science

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A measurement of the energy loss spectrum of 150 GeV muons in iron / RD34 Collaboration
The energy loss spectrum of 150 GeV muons has been measured with a prototype of the ATLAS hadron calorimeter in the H8 beam of the CERN SPS.\\ The differential probability $dP/dv$ per radiation length of a fractional energy loss $v = \Delta E_{\mu} / E_{\mu}$ has been measured in the range $v = 0.01 \div 0.95 $; it is then compared with the theoretical predictions for energy losses due to bremsstrahlung and production of electron-positron pairs or of energetic knock-on electrons.\\ The integrated probability $\int_{0.01}^{0.95} (dP/dv) dv$ is $(1.610\pm0.015_{stat.}\pm0.105_{syst.})\cdot10^{-3}$ in agreement with the theoretical predictions of $1.556\cdot10^{-3}$ and $1.619\cdot10^{-3}$. %7.8.96 - start Agreement with theory is also found in two intervals of $v$ where production of electron-positron pairs and knock-on electrons dominates. [...]
CERN-PPE-96-115.- Geneva : CERN, 1997 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 73 (1997) 455-463 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies

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