CERN Accelerating science

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Preliminary results from NA52 strangelet search in Pb Pb at 160-GeV/nucleon / Appelquist, G ; Baglin, C ; Beringer, J ; Borer, K ; Bohm, C ; Bussiere, A ; Dittus, F ; Elsener, K ; Frei, D ; Gorodetzky, P et al.
1995 - 2 p. - Published in : (1995) , pp. 587-588 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 30th Rencontres de Moriond : Hadronic Session, Les Arcs, France, 18 - 25 Mar 1995, pp.587-588
Charmonium suppression in Pb - Pb collisions / Fleuret, F ; Abreu, M C ; Alessandro, B ; Alexa, C ; Astruc, J ; Baglin, C ; Baldit, A ; Bedjidian, M ; Bellaiche, F ; Beole, S et al. /NA50
1997 - 6 p. - Published in : (1997) , pp. 503-508 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 32nd Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 22 - 29 Mar 1997, pp.503-508
Strangelet search and particle production studies in Pb + Pb collisions / Klingenberg, R ; Ambrosini, G ; Arsenescu, R ; Baglin, C ; Beringer, J ; Bohm, C ; Borer, K ; Bussiere, A ; Dittus, F ; Elsener, K et al. /NA52
1997 - 6 p. - Published in : (1997) , pp. 497-502 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 32nd Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 22 - 29 Mar 1997, pp.497-502
Experimental Status Of $J/\psi$ Suppression / Kluberg, L (Paris U., VI-VII ; Ecole Polytechnique) ; Abreu, M C (LIP, Lisbon) ; Alessandro, B (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Alexa, C (Bucharest U.) ; Arnaldi, R (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Astruc, J (Orsay, IPN) ; Atayan, M (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) ; Baglin, C (Annecy, LAPP) ; Baldit, A (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Bedjidian, M (Lyon, IPN) et al.
The most recent results obtained by experiment NA50 show that the $J /\psi$ cross-section per nucleon-nucleon collision in semi-peripheral Pb-Pb reactions is "normally" suppressed in the sense that it follows the trend already observed from p-p and up to the most central S-U reactions. A clear change of behaviour is observed for more central Pb-Pb collisions which could be due to the transition of normal nuclear matter to its predicted Quark-Gluon Plasma state
Hanoi : The Gioi, 2001 - 6 p. - Published in : , pp. 221-226 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 34th Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 20 - 27 Mar 1999, pp.221-226
Directed and elliptic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions / Chevrot, I (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Abreu, M C (LIP, Lisbon) ; Alessandro, B (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Alexa, C (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Arnaldi, R (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Astruc, J (Orsay, IPN) ; Atayan, M (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) ; Baglin, C (Annecy, LAPP) ; Baldit, A (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Barriere, C (Clermont-Ferrand U.) et al. /NA38 ; NA50
1998 - 6 p. - Published in : (1998) , pp. 559-564 fulltext: PDF;
In : 33rd Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 21 - 28 Mar 1998, pp.559-564
Centrality dependece of the $ J/\psi$ suppression in ultrarelativistic Pb-Pb collisions / Scomparin, Enrico (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Abreu, M C (LIP, Lisbon) ; Alessandro, B (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Alexa, C (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Arnaldi, R (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Atayan, M (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) ; Baglin, C (Annecy, LAPP) ; Baldit, A (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Bedjidian, M (Lyon, IPN) ; Beole, S (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) et al. /NA50
2000 - 4 p. - Published in : , pp. 395-398 fulltext: PDF;
In : 35th Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 18 - 25 Mar 2000, pp.395-398
The momentum spectrum of slow protons emitted in hydrogen-like interactions of negative pions of 6 and 18 Gev/c / Bellini, G (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Fiorini, F (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Herz, A J (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Negri, P (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Ratti, S (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Cresti, M (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Limentani, S (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Santangelo, R (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Fretter, W B (Ecole Polytechnique ; UC, Berkeley) ; Hoang, T F (Ecole Polytechnique) et al.
1962 - 4 p. - Published in : Vol: .1 (1962) , pp. 449-452
In : Conference Internationale d'Aix-en-Provence sur les Particules Elémentaires, Aix-en-Provence, France, 14 - 20 Sep 1961, pp.449-452
V$^{0}$ pairs produced in the Ecole ploytechnique 1 m propane bubble chamber by $\pi{-}$ of 6, 1, 11 and 18,1 Ge/c / Bingham, H H (College de France ; Ecole polytechnique) ; Di Corato, M (CERN) ; Gelsema, E S (CERN ; Milan U.) ; Minguzzi-Banzi, A (CERN) ; Drijard, D (College de France ; Ecole polytechnique) ; Bellière, J (Ecole Polytechnique ; College de France) ; Orkin-Lecourtois, A (Ecole Polytechnique ; College de France) ; Ferrero, M I (Turin U.) ; Garelli, C M (Turin U.) ; Vigone, M (Turin U.) et al.
1962 - 10 p. - Published in : Vol: .1 (1962) , pp. 101-110
In : Conference Internationale d'Aix-en-Provence sur les Particules Elémentaires, Aix-en-Provence, France, 14 - 20 Sep 1961, pp.101-110
Branching ratio and form of interaction for the beta decay of the $\Lambda$ hyperon / Baglin, C ; Brisson, V ; Rousset, A ; Six, J ; Bingham, H H ; Nikolic, M ; Schultze, K ; Henderson, C ; Miller, D J ; Stannard, F R et al.
- 1964. - 14 p.
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Etude expérimentale de la désintégration électronique de l'hyperon $\Lambda^0$ (1ère thèse) / Baglin, Christian
102 p.

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