CERN Accelerating science

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Proposal to search for charmed hadron production in $\overline{p}p$ interactions in BEBC / Bacon, T C (Imperial College London) ; Barnham, K W J (Imperial College London) ; Butterworth, I (Imperial College London) ; Miller, D B (Imperial College London) ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Y (CERN) ; Grant, A (CERN) ; Stergiou, A (CERN) ; Tallini, B (CERN)
- 1975. - 12 p.
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THE ZEUS DETECTOR: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL / Wolf, G. (DESY) ; Edwards, K. (Carleton U.) ; Kapitza, H. (Carleton U.) ; Smith, G. (Manitoba U.) ; Conetti, S. (McGill U.) ; Corriveau, F. (McGill U.) ; Hamel, L.A. (McGill U.) ; Legault, A. (McGill U.) ; Leroy, C. (McGill U.) ; Marchionni, A. (McGill U.) et al.
DESY-HERA-ZEUS-1.- 1986 - 277 p.
The structure of the weak neutral current : an analysis of the hadronic energy distribution from neutrino and antineutrino interactions / Deden, H ; Barnham, Keith W J ; Baruzzi, V ; Beuselinck, R ; Bloch, M ; Clayton, E F ; Cundy, Donald C ; Davis, C L ; Deutschmann, Martin ; Emans, H et al.
An analysis is presented of the distribution of hadronic energy in neutrino and antineutrino neutral current interactions occurring in BEBC, filled with a neon-hydrogen mixture and exposed to the CERN-SPS narrow-band neutrino beam. This shows that the contributions by scalar or pseudo-scalar forms of the interaction are consistent with zero and pure V, A and V+A are excluded; there is good agreement with the Weinberg-Salam model. [...]
1979 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 149 (1979) 1-12
Neutral K, Lambda and Lambda production in K/sup -/p and K/sup +/p interactions at 32 GeV/c / Beillière, P ; Cochet, Christian ; Dumont, J J ; Faccini, M L ; Fenjuk, A B ; Gensch, Ulrich ; Henri, V P ; Johnstad, H ; Kaufmann, H H ; Kozlovskii, E A et al.
Inclusive cross sections and one-particle inclusive spectra are given for neutral K, Lambda and Lambda produced in K/sup -/p and K/sup +/p interactions at 32 GeV/c in the 4.5 m Mirabelle hydrogen bubble chamber at the Serphukov accelerator. Cross sections for associated production are also given, and the energy dependences of the cross sections and of the x distributions in the central and in the fragmentation regions are discussed. [...]
1975 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 90 (1975) 20-34
Analysis of $\overline{K}$ N $\pi \pi$ final states produced in $K^{-}$ proton interactions at 6 GeV/c / Birmingham-Glasgow-London(IC)-Munich-Oxford-Rutherford Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1969 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento A 59 (1969) 519-534
Some aspects of $\lambda^{0}$ production in multibody final states produced in 6 GeV/c K−p interactions / Sisterson, L K (Imperial College, London) ; Paler, K (Imperial College, London) ; Miller, D B (Imperial College, London) ; Saeed, A (Imperial College, London) ; Fisher, Colin M (Rutherford High Energy Laboratory) ; Finney, P J (Rutherford High Energy Laboratory) ; Allison, W W M (Oxford Univ.) ; Locke, D H (Oxford Univ.) ; Lyons, L (Oxford Univ.) ; Blair, W M R (Glasgow Univ.) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1968 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 6 (1968) 205-212
An $\omega^{-}$ particle produced by a 6 GeV/c K− meson in hydrogen / Birmingham-Glasgow-London(IC)-Munich-Oxford-Rutherford Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1965 - Published in : Phys. Lett. 19 (1965) 152-154
Neutral k, $\Lambda$ and $\Lambda$ production in $K^{-}p$ and $K^{+}p$ interactions at 323 Gev/c / Beillière, P ; Cochet, Christian ; Dejardin, C ; Faccini, M L ; Fenjuk, A B ; Gensch, Ulrich ; Henri, V P ; Johnstad, H ; Kaufmann, H H ; Kozlovskii, E A et al.
- 1975. - 29 p.
Inclusive $V^{0}$ production in $\overline{p}$p interactions at 12 GeV/c / Bertrand, D ; Johnson, D ; Lemonne, J ; Renton, P B ; Van den Bogaert, F ; Wickens, J H ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Casali, R ; Caso, Carlo ; Grant, A et al.
Results are presented on the inclusive reactions pp to K/sup 0/X, pp to Lambda X and pp to Lambda X at an incident antiproton momentum of 12 GeV/c in BEBC. The cross sections are studied as functions of the Feynman scaling variable x, the rapidity, the transverse momentum of the V/sup 0/ and the missing mass squared. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 128 (1977) 365-96
The use of a small digital computer in position digitising and servo control of film measuring machines / Miller, D B ; Price, D R ; Stark, J
- 1974. - 22 p.

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163 Miller, D
9 Miller, D A
1 Miller, D A C
127 Miller, D B
1 Miller, D C
47 Miller, D E
1 Miller, D F
13 Miller, D G
520 Miller, D H
330 Miller, D J
15 Miller, D L
6 Miller, D M
3 Miller, D Michael
2 Miller, D R
97 Miller, D W
11 Miller, D.
1 Miller, D. H.
5 Miller, D.H.
238 Miller, D.J.
36 Miller, D.W.
1 Miller, DG
2 Miller, DJ
7 Miller, DW
11 Miller, Dale
4 Miller, Daniel
1 Miller, Daniel B
1 Miller, Daniel E
3 Miller, Daniel J
1 Miller, Daniel L
1 Miller, Daniel R
1533 Miller, David
2 Miller, David A
11 Miller, David A B
1 Miller, David Donald
4 Miller, David E
1 Miller, David G
985 Miller, David Harry
15 Miller, David J
8 Miller, David J.
1 Miller, David John
3 Miller, David Marshall
3 Miller, David Philip
2 Miller, David R
1 Miller, David R.
3 Miller, David W
5 Miller, David W.
6 Miller, David Wilkins
1 Miller, DeMond
5 Miller, Dean
1 Miller, Debra
1 Miller, Dennis P
2 Miller, Derek George
1 Miller, Dick R
3 Miller, Don
2 Miller, Donald G
1 Miller, Donald L
1 Miller, Donald M
1 Miller, Donald Stuart
2 Miller, Doug
19 Miller, Douglas
2 Miller, Douglas L
1 Miller, Dr Saul L
2 Miller, Drew
1 Miller, Dudley G
1 Miller, Dustin
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