CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 30 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.59 sekunder. 
Observation and Mitigation of Multipass BBU in CEBAF / Kazimi, R (Jefferson Lab) ; Freyberger, Arne P (Jefferson Lab) ; Hovater, C (Jefferson Lab) ; Krafft, G A (Jefferson Lab) ; Marhauser, F (Jefferson Lab) ; Plawski, T E (Jefferson Lab) ; Reece, C E (Jefferson Lab) ; Sekutowicz, J S (Jefferson Lab) ; Tennant, C (Jefferson Lab) ; Tiefenback, M G (Jefferson Lab) et al.
JLAB-ACO-08-844.- 2008 - 3 p. External links: Published version from JACoW; JLAB
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.WEPP087
Performance Of SRF Systems In Large Scale Applications / Hovater, J C (Jefferson Lab)
C93-10-04.1.- 1994 - Published in : Part. Accel.: 46 (1994) , pp. 19-33 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 6th Workshop on Radio-Frequency Superconductivity, Newport News, VA, USA, 4 - 8 Oct 1993, pp.19-33
Pushing the Limits : RF Field Control at High Loaded Q / Liepe, Matthias ; Belomestnykh, Sergey ; Dobbins, John ; Hovater, Curt ; Kaplan, Roger ; Plawski, Tomasz ; Strohman, Charles R ; Stuhl, Benjamin K
The superconducting cavities in an Energy-Recovery-Linac will be operated with a high loaded Q of several 1E7, possible up to 1E8. Not only has no prior control system ever stabilized the RF field in a linac cavity with such high loaded Q, but also highest field stability in amplitude and phase is required at this high loaded Q [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.2642
The CEBAF Separator Cavity Resonance Control System / Wissmann, Mark J ; Guerra, Al A ; Hovater, Curt ; Plawski, Tomasz
The CEBAF energy upgrade from 6 GeV to 12GeV will increase the range of beam energies available to the experimental halls. RF deflection cavities (separators) are used to direct the electron beam to the three experimental halls. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.2339
The CEBAF RF Separator System Upgrade / Hovater, C ; Augustine, M ; Guerra, A ; Nelson, R ; Terrel, R A ; Wissmann, M
The CEBAF accelerator uses RF deflecting cavities operating at the third sub-harmonic (499 MHz) of the accelerating frequency (1497 MHz) to “kick” the electron beam to the experimental halls. The cavities operate in a TEM dipole mode incorporating mode enhancing rods to increase the cavity’s transverse shunt impedance. [...]
2004 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference, Lubeck, Germany, 16 - 20 Aug 2004, pp.721
A New RF System for the CEBAF Normal Conducting Cavities / Hovater, C ; Dong, H ; Hofler, A ; Lahti, G ; Musson, J ; Plawski, T
The CEBAF Accelerator at Jefferson Lab is a 6 GeV five pass electron accelerator consisting of two superconducting linacs joined by independent magnetic transport arcs. CEBAF also has numerous normal conducting cavities for beam conditioning in the injector and for RF extraction to the experimental halls. [...]
2004 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference, Lubeck, Germany, 16 - 20 Aug 2004, pp.456
An Injection Modelocked Ti-Sapphire Laser for Synchronous Photoinjection / Hovater, C ; Poelker, M
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.2861
The CEBAF Fiber Optic Phase Reference System / Crawford, K ; Hovater, C ; Krycuk, A ; Simrock, S
CEBAF Beam Loss Accounting / Ursic, R ; Hovater, C ; Hutton, A ; Mahoney, K ; Sinclair, C
1996 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, USA, 1 - 5 May 1995, pp.2652
Performance Experience with the CEBAF SRF Cavities / Reece, C ; Benesch, J ; Drury, M ; Hovater, C ; Mammosser, J ; Powers, T ; Preble, J
1996 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, USA, 1 - 5 May 1995, pp.1512

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