CERN Accelerating science

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Physics Opportunities with the Gamma Factory / Budker, Dmitry (Mainz U. ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz ; UC, Berkeley) ; Gorchtein, Mikhail (Mainz U.) ; Krasny, Mieczyslaw Witold (Paris U., VI-VII ; CERN) ; Pálffy, Adriana (Erlangen - Nuremberg U.) ; Surzhykov, Andrey (Braunschweig Tech. U. ; Braunschweig, Phys. Tech. Bund.)
We are delighted to introduce to the readership of Annalen der Physik this special issue, which comes in the wake of a workshop with the same title that was held virtually at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics in November–December 2020..
2022 - 2 p. - Published in : Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 534 (2022) 2200004
Expanding Nuclear Physics Horizons with the Gamma Factory / Budker, Dmitry (Mainz U. ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz) ; Berengut, Julian C. (New South Wales U. ; Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Flambaum, Victor V. (New South Wales U. ; Mainz U. ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz ; Massey U., NZIAS) ; Gorchtein, Mikhail (Mainz U.) ; Jin, Junlan (USTC, Hefei) ; Karbstein, Felix (Helmholtz Inst., Mainz ; Jena U.) ; Krasny, Mieczyslaw Witold (Paris U., VI-VII ; CERN) ; Litvinov, Yuri A. (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Pálffy, Adriana (Erlangen - Nuremberg U., Theorie III) ; Pascalutsa, Vladimir (Mainz U.) et al.
The Gamma Factory (GF) is an ambitious proposal, currently explored within the CERN Physics Beyond Colliders program, for a source of photons with energies up to $\approx 400\,$MeV and photon fluxes (up to $\approx 10^{17}$ photons per second) exceeding those of the currently available gamma sources by orders of magnitude. The high-energy (secondary) photons are produced via resonant scattering of the primary laser photons by highly relativistic partially-stripped ions circulating in the accelerator. [...]
arXiv:2106.06584.- 2022-01-31 - 69 p.
- Published in : Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) (2022) , pp. 2100284 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;

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20 Gorchtein, M
1 Gorchtein, M.
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