CERN Accelerating science

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ATF2 COMMISSIONING   / Seryi, A (SLAC) ; Christian, G (ATOMKI, Debrecen) ; Parker, B (Brookhaven) ; Schulte, D (CERN) ; Delahaye, J P (CERN) ; Tomas, R (CERN) ; Zimmermann, F (CERN) ; Wolski, A (Cockcroft Inst.) ; Elsen, E (DESY) ; Sanuki, T (Tohoku Univ.) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.3: Linac & FF Stabilization

ATF2 is a final-focus test beam line that aims to focus the low-emittance beam from the ATF damping ring to a beam size of about 37 nm, and at the same time to demonstrate nm beam stability, using numerous advanced beam diagnostics and feedback tools. [...]
- 2010.
Access to fulltext document - Published version from PAC09

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