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Theoretical Physics to Face the Challenge of LHC : Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School : 97th Session - Session XCVII   1 - 26 Aug 2011  - Les Houches, France  / Baulieu, Laurent (ed.); Benakli, Karim (ed.); Douglas, Michael R (ed.); Mansoulie, Bruno (ed.); Rabinovici, Eliezer (ed.); Cugliandolo, Leticia F (ed.)
This book is based on lectures at the Les Houches Summer School held in August 2011 for an audience of advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in particle physics, theoretical physics, and cosmology—areas where new experimental results were on the verge of being discovered at CERN. The school was held during a summer of great anticipation that at any moment contact might be made with the most recent theories of the nature of the fundamental forces and the structure of spacetime. [...]
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
One-loop adjoint masses for branes at non-supersymmetric angles / Anastasopoulos, P (Vienna, Tech. U.) ; Antoniadis, I (CERN) ; Benakli, K (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Goodsell, M D (CERN) ; Vichi, A (LBL, Berkeley)
This proceeding is based on arXiv:1110.5359 [hep-th] where we consider breaking of supersymmetry in intersecting D-brane configurations by slight deviation of the angles from their supersymmetric values. [...]
arXiv:1201.2663 ; TUW-12-02.
- 2012.
One-loop adjoint masses for non-supersymmetric intersecting branes / Anastasopoulos, P. (Vienna, Tech. U.) ; Antoniadis, I. (CERN) ; Benakli, K. (Paris, LPTHE) ; Goodsell, M.D. (DESY) ; Vichi, A. (ITPP, Lausanne)
We consider breaking of supersymmetry in intersecting D-brane configurations by slight deviation of the angles from their supersymmetric values. We compute the masses generated by radiative corrections for the adjoint scalars on the brane world-volumes. [...]
arXiv:1105.0591; CERN-PH-TH-2011-095; DESY-11-069; TUW-11-09; CERN-PH-TH-2011-095; DESY 11-069; TUW-11-09.- 2011 - 40 p. - Published in : JHEP 08 (2011) 120 Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Dirac Gauginos, Gauge Mediation and Unification / Benakli, K ; Goodsell, M D
We investigate the building of models with Dirac gauginos and perturbative gauge coupling unification. Here, in contrast to the MSSM, additional fields are required for unification, and these can naturally play the role of the messengers of supersymmetry breaking. [...]
arXiv:1003.4957; DESY-10-044.- 2010 - 31 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 840 (2010) 1-28 External link: Preprint
Disordered Extra Dimensions / Benakli, Karim
A very large extra dimension may contain many localized branes. We discuss the possibility to formulate such models as a spin system where each spin indicates the supersymmetry direction preserved by the corresponding brane. [...]
arXiv:1002.0334.- 2010 - 15 p. - Published in : New J. Phys. 12 (2010) 075016 External link: Preprint
Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Supersymmetry / Nojiri, M.M. (KEK, Tsukuba ; Tsukuba, Graduate U. Adv. Studies ; Tokyo U.) ; Plehn, T. (Edinburgh U.) ; Polesello, G. (INFN, Pavia) ; Alexander, John M. (Edinburgh U.) ; Allanach, B.C. (Cambridge U.) ; Barr, Alan J. (Oxford U.) ; Benakli, K. (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Boudjema, F. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Freitas, A. (Zurich U.) ; Gwenlan, C. (University Coll. London) et al.
This collection of studies on new physics at the LHC constitutes the report of the supersymmetry working group at the Workshop `Physics at TeV Colliders', Les Houches, France, 2007. They cover the wide spectrum of phenomenology in the LHC era, from alternative models and signatures to the extraction of relevant observables, the study of the MSSM parameter space and finally to the interplay of LHC observations with additional data expected on a similar time scale. [...]
arXiv:0802.3672; FERMILAB-CONF-08-082-E.- 2008 - 71 p. - Published in : , pp. 291-361 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
In : 5th Les Houches Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 11 - 29 Jun 2007, pp.291-361
A New Gauge Mediation Theory / Antoniadis, Ignatios (CERN) ; Benakli, Karim ; Delgado, A ; Quirós, Mariano
We propose a class of models with gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, inspired by simple brane constructions, where R-symmetry is very weakly broken [...]
hep-ph/0610265 ; CERN-PH-TH-2006-188.
- 2006. - 23 p.
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Les Houches physics at TeV colliders 2005 beyond the standard model working group: Summary report / Allanach, Benjamin C. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Grojean, Christophe (CERN ; Saclay, SPhT) ; Skands, Peter Z. (Fermilab) ; Accomando, E. ; Azuelos, Georges ; Baer, H. ; Balazs, Csaba ; Belanger, G. ; Benakli, Karim ; Boudjema, Fawzi et al.
The work contained herein constitutes a report of the Beyond the Standard Model'' working group for the Workshop Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 2-20 May, 2005. We present reviews of current topics as well as original research carried out for the workshop. [...]
hep-ph/0602198; CERN-PH-TH-2006-019; FERMILAB-CONF-06-338-T; SLAC-PUB-11770.- Geneva : CERN, 2005 - 269 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0602198 PDF
In : 4th Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 2 - 20 May 2005, pp.235-236
Split extended supersymmetry from intersecting branes / Antoniadis, Ignatios (CERN) ; Benakli, Karim (Paris, LPTHE) ; Delgado, Antonio (CERN) ; Quiros, Mariano (ICREA, Barcelona) ; Tuckmantel, Marc (CERN ; Zurich, ETH)
We study string realizations of split extended supersymmetry, recently proposed in hep-ph/0507192. Supersymmetry is broken by small ($\epsilon $) deformations of intersection angles of $D$-branes giving tree-level masses of order $m_0^2\sim \epsilon M_s^2$, where $M_s$ is the string scale, to localized scalars. [...]
hep-th/0601003; CERN-PH-TH-2005-247; LPTHE-05-33; UAB-FT-595; CERN-PH-TH-2005-247.- 2006 - 32 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 744 (2006) 156-179 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Splitting Extended Supersymmetry / Antoniadis, Ignatios (CERN) ; Delgado, Antonio (CERN) ; Benakli, Karim (Paris, LPTHE) ; Quiros, Mariano (ICREA, Barcelona ; Barcelona, IFAE) ; Tuckmantel, Marc (CERN ; Zurich, ETH)
We show how splitting supersymmetry reconciles a class of intersecting brane models with unification. The gauge sector in these models arises in multiplets of extended supersymmetry while matter states are in N=1 representations. [...]
hep-ph/0507192; CERN-PH-TH-2005-131; UAB-FT-584; CERN-PH-TH-2005-131.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 634 (2006) 302-306 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint

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