CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 8 elementer funnet  Søket tok 1.50 sekunder. 
EuCAPT White Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade / Alves Batista, R. (Madrid, IFT) ; Amin, M.A. (Rice U.) ; Barenboim, G. (Valencia U.) ; Bartolo, N. (U. Padua, Dept. Phys. Astron.) ; Baumann, D. (Amsterdam U. ; U. Amsterdam, GRAPPA ; U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Bauswein, A. (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Bellini, E. (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Benisty, D. (Cambridge U., DAMTP ; Cambridge U., KICC ; Cambridge U., Inst. of Astron.) ; Bertone, G. (Amsterdam U. ; U. Amsterdam, GRAPPA) ; Blasi, P. (GSSI, Aquila ; Gran Sasso) et al.
Astroparticle physics is undergoing a profound transformation, due to a series of extraordinary new results, such as the discovery of high-energy cosmic neutrinos with IceCube, the direct detection of gravitational waves with LIGO and Virgo, and many others. [...]
- 134.
Population of a low-spin positive-parity band from high-spin intruder states in $^{177}$Au: The two-state mixing effect / Venhart, M (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Balogh, M (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Herzáň, A (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Wood, J L (Georgia Tech., Atlanta) ; Ali, F A (Liverpool U. ; Sulaimaniya U.) ; Joss, D T (Liverpool U.) ; Andreyev, A N (York U., England ; JAERI, Tokai) ; Auranen, K (Jyvaskyla U.) ; Carroll, R J (Liverpool U.) ; Drummond, M C (Liverpool U.) et al.
The extremely neutron-deficient isotopes $^{177,179}$Au were studied by means of in-beam γ -ray spectroscopy. Specific tagging techniques, α -decay tagging in $^{177}$Au and isomer tagging in $^{179}$Au, were used for these studies. [...]
2020 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 806 (2020) 135488
Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review / Addazi, A. (SCU, Chengdu ; Frascati) ; Alvarez-Muniz, J. (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE) ; Alves Batista, R. (Madrid, IFT) ; Amelino-Camelia, G. (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Antonelli, V. (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Arzano, M. (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Asorey, M. (Zaragoza U.) ; Atteia, J.-L. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Bahamonde, S. (Tartu, Inst. Phys. ; Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Bajardi, F. (Naples U.) et al.
The exploration of the universe has recently entered a new era thanks to the multi-messenger paradigm, characterized by a continuous increase in the quantity and quality of experimental data that is obtained by the detection of the various cosmic messengers (photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves) from numerous origins. They give us information about their sources in the universe and the properties of the intergalactic medium. [...]
arXiv:2111.05659.- 2022-07 - 119 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Observing primordial magnetic fields through Dark Matter / Ramazanov, Sabir (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Urban, Federico R. (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Vikman, Alexander ([email protected] ; Prague, Inst. Phys.)
Primordial magnetic fields are often thought to be the early Universe seeds that have bloomed into what we observe today as galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields. [...]
- 30 p.
Simultaneous spectroscopy of $\gamma$- rays and conversion electrons: Systematic study of $E$0 transitions and intruder states in close vicinity of mid-shell point in odd-Au isotopes / Venhart, Martin (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Herzan, Andrej (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Sedlak, Matus (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Balogh, Matus (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Matousek, Vladislav (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Mocellin, Adriel (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Hlavac, Stanislav (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Jajcisinova, Erika (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Kantay, Gulnur (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Krajnak, Jakub (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia) et al.
CERN-INTC-2020-026 ; INTC-P-302-ADD-2.
- 2020.
Fulltext - Original Document (INTC-P-302)
New systematic features in the neutron-deficient Au isotopes / Venhart, M (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Wood, J L (Georgia Tech., Atlanta) ; Sedlák, M (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Balogh, M (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Bírová, M (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) ; Boston, A J (Liverpool U.) ; Cocolios, T E (Manchester U. ; KU Leuven, Dept. Phys. Astron.) ; Harkness-Brennan, L J (Liverpool U.) ; Herzberg, R D (Liverpool U.) ; Holub, L (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.) et al.
A recently developed portable, on-line capability for γ-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy, HIGH-TATRA is demonstrated with its application to the study of (183)Hg $\to $ (183)Au at ISOLDE. Key details of the low-energy level scheme of the neutron-deficient nuclide (183)Au populated in this decay are presented. [...]
2017 - 20 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 44 (2017) 074003 Fulltext: PDF;
Simultaneous spectroscopy of $\gamma$ rays and conversion electrons: Systematic study of $E$0 transitions and intruder states in close vicinity of mid-shell point in odd-Au isotopes / Venhart, Martin (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 845 11 Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Wood, John Lee (School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0430, USA) ; Backai, Julius (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 845 11 Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Balogh, Matus (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 845 11 Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Boston, Andrew (Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK) ; Cocolios, Thomas Elias (School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom) ; Harkness-Brennan, Laura (Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK) ; Herzberg, Rolf-Dietmar (Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK) ; Hlavac, Stanislav (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 845 11 Bratislava, Slovakia) ; Joss, David (Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK) et al.
CERN-INTC-2015-033 ; INTC-P-302-ADD-1.
- 2015.
Fulltext - Original Document (INTC-P-302)
Resonant magnetic fields from inflation / Byrnes, Christian T. (CERN) ; Hollenstein, Lukas (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys. ; Geneva U., CAP) ; Jain, Rajeev Kumar (Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys. ; Geneva U., CAP) ; Urban, Federico R. (British Columbia U.)
We propose a novel scenario to generate primordial magnetic fields during inflation induced by an oscillating coupling of the electromagnetic field to the inflaton. This resonant mechanism has two key advantages over previous proposals. [...]
arXiv:1111.2030; CERN-PH-TH-2011-279; CERN-PH-TH-2011-279.- 2012 - 12 p. - Published in : JCAP 03 (2012) 009 Fulltext: PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint

Se også: lignende forfatternavn
1 Urban, Radovan
2 Urban, Robert
2 Urban, Roman
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