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Proton Tracks and Formation of Pores in Poly[Diethylene Glycol Bis-(Allyl Carbonate)] / Oganesyan, V R ; Trofimov, V V ; Danziger, M ; Hermsdorf, D ; Orelovich, O L
Modern dosimetry needs effective detectors to register light ions, especially those having energies down to 10 MeV/a.m.u. [...]
E18-2004-27 ; JINR-E18-2004-27.
- 2004. - 10 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Conductometric determination of single pores in polyethyleneterephthalate irradiated by heavy ions / Oganesyan, V R ; Danziger, M ; Dörschel, B ; Hermsdorf, D ; Trofimov, V V ; Vetter, J
Most of the previous works devoted to the problem of track formation processes did not pay enough attention to direct measurement of the appearance of every individual pore in an array of many pores induced by the irradiation of polymer films with ions [...]
- 2002. - 12 p.
Conductometric Determination of Single Pores in Polyethyleneterephthalate Irradiated by Heavy Ions / Oganesyan, V R ; Trofimov, V V ; Dörschel, B ; Vetter, J E ; Danziger, M ; Hermsdorf, D
Most of previous works devoted to the problem of track formation processes did not pay enough attention to direct measurement of the appearance of every individual pore in an array of many pores induced by the irradiation of polymer films with ions. [...]
E18-2002-156 ; JINR-E18-2002-156.
- 2002. - 7 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
A Study of Retentive Properties of Track Membranes / Oganesyan, V R ; Orelovich, O L ; Yanina, I V ; Apel, P Yu
The influence of the size and shape of pores in track membranes (TMs) on the retention of polystyrene particles with the sizes from 40 to 100 nm has been studied. [...]
JINR-P18-2000-54 ; P18-2000-54.
- 2000. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna

17 Oganesyan, V
1 Oganesyan, Vadim
1 Oganesyan, Vladimir
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