CERN Accelerating science

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Beam Commissioning of the HIE-ISOLDE Post-Accelerator / Rodriguez, Jose (CERN) ; Andreazza, William (CERN) ; Bibby, James (CERN) ; Bidault, Niels (CERN) ; Bravin, Enrico (CERN) ; Broere, Johannes (CERN) ; Cantero, Esteban (CERN) ; Catherall, Richard (CERN) ; Cobham, Vince (CERN) ; Elias, Michal (CERN) et al.
Phase 1a of the High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE (HIE-ISOLDE) project* was completed in 2015. The first cryomodule and two High Energy Beam Transfer lines (HEBT) were installed. [...]
CERN-ACC-2016-230.- 2016 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-WEOBA01 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 8 - 13 May 2016, pp.WEOBA01
Understanding the Error Tolerances Required to Automatically Phase the HIE-ISOLDE Linac / Fraser, Matthew (CERN) ; Broere, Johannes (CERN) ; Haastrup, Sten (CERN) ; Lanaia, Davide (CERN) ; Valuch, Daniel (CERN) ; Voulot, Didier (CERN)
The broad experimental programme at ISOLDE means that the same radioactive beam species and energy are rarely studied twice and the cavities of the linac must be scaled or re-phased for each experiment. A software application was developed to automatically re-phase the cavities of the HIE-ISOLDE superconducting linac to the beam from computed settings. [...]
CERN-ACC-2014-386.- 2014 - 3 p. - Published in : (2014) , pp. TUPP031 Fulltext: PDF; External link: JACoW server
In : 27th Linear Accelerator Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 31 Aug - 5 Sep 2014, pp.TUPP031

19 Broere, J
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