CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 1 record trovati  La ricerca ha impiegato 0.75 secondi. 
Atomic-Scale Magnetic Properties of Truly 3d-Diluted ZnO / Mantovan, Roberto (IMM-CNR, Agrate Brianza,Italy) ; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur Páll (Leuven U. ; Aarhus U.) ; Johnston, Karl (CERN) ; Masenda, Hilary (U. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Sch. Phys.) ; Mølholt, Torben Esmann (Iceland U.) ; Naidoo, Deena (U. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Sch. Phys.) ; Ncube, Mehluli (U. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Sch. Phys.) ; Shayestehaminzadeh, Seyedmohammad (Iceland U.) ; Bharuth-Ram, Krish (DUT, Durban ; iThemba LABS) ; Fanciulli, Marco (IMM-CNR, Agrate Brianza,Italy ; Milan Bicocca U.) et al.
In search for dilute magnetic semiconductors, the magnetic properties at the atomic-scale of Fe atoms incorporated in ZnO, in a concentration range of more than five orders of magnitude from $1 × 10^{−5}$ to 2.2 at% have been probed using emission 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy on implanted $^{57}Mn$ and $^{57}Co$ produced at ISOLDE/CERN. In the ultra-dilute regime ($10 ^{−5}$ at%), the system shows isolated paramagnetic $Fe^{3+}$ ions with a spin–lattice type of relaxation. [...]
2015 - Published in : Advanced Electronic Materials 1 (2015) 1400039

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