CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2 record trovati  La ricerca ha impiegato 0.54 secondi. 
The Final prototype of the Fast Merging Module (FMM) for readout status processing in CMS DAQ / Rácz, Attila ; Brigljevic, Vuko ; Bruno, Giacomo ; Cano, Eric ; Cittolin, Sergio ; Erhan, Samim ; Gigi, Dominique ; Glege, Frank ; Gómez-Reino Garrido, R ; Gulmini, Michele et al.
CERN, 2004 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 10th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments, Boston, MA, USA, 13 - 17 Sep 2004, pp.316-319 (CERN-2004-010)
The NASA Astrophysics Data System : Free Access to the Astronomical Literature On-Line and through Email / Eichhorn, G ; Accomazzi, A ; Grant, C S ; Kurtz, M J ; Murray, S S
The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) provides access to the astronomical literature through the World Wide Web. It is a NASA funded project and access to all the ADS services is free to everybody world-wide.The ADS Abstract Service allows the searching of four databases with abstracts in Astronomy, Instrumentation, Physics/Geophysics, and the LANL Preprints with a total of over 2.2 million references [...]
Cambridge, MA : Harvard Univ., 2001 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Libr. Webzine 5 (2001) 1

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