CERN Accelerating science

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Quantum life / Lloyd, Seth (speaker) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Recent experimental investigations of excitonic transport in photosynthesis indicate that quantum coherence can play an important role in enhancing energy transport in photosynthetic complexes. This talk presents a general theory of optimizing energy transport in photosynthesis and in artificial systems. Optimal energy transport takes place at the point where the timescales for dynamic and static disorder converge, a phenomenon called the quantum Goldilocks effect..
2014 - 4346. CERN Colloquium External link: Event details In : Quantum life

Također vidi: slična imena autora
128 LLOYD, S
128 Lloyd, S
1 Lloyd, S C
3 Lloyd, S H
1 Lloyd, S J
291 Lloyd, S L
2 Lloyd, S M
240 Lloyd, S.L.
2 Lloyd, Sam R
1 Lloyd, Samantha AM
1 Lloyd, Scott J
1 Lloyd, Selwyn
4 Lloyd, Simon
1 Lloyd, Sophia
1029 Lloyd, Stephen
403 Lloyd, Steve
1 Lloyd, Susan M
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