CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 15 zapisa  1 - 10slijedeći  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.63 sekundi 
Nuclear spectroscopy of very proton rich nuclei through HI induced reactions; the 14s high spin isomer in /sup 95/Pd / Nolte, E ; Colombo, G ; Geier, R ; Gui, S Z ; Heim, U ; Hick, H ; Komninos, P ; Korschinek, G ; Kubik, P ; Morinaga, H et al.
/sup 40/Ca, /sup 58/Ni and /sup 60/Ni beams from the Munich tandem and the Munich heavy ion postaccelerator have been used to produce very proton rich nuclei in the N=50 N=82 regions. The residual nuclei have been studied with the help of gamma and particle spectroscopy. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.253-9 (CERN-1981-009)
Sistemi di montaggio componibili modulari : utilizzazione d' elementi flessibili di montaggio nell'installazione di laboratori e\/ O esperimenti / Colombo, A G
- 1996. - 21 p.
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Radon measurements in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory / Arpesella, C ; Bam, B B ; Bassignani, A ; Cecchini, S ; Colombo, G ; Dekhissi, H ; Fresca-Fantoni, R ; Giacomelli, G ; Lembo, L ; Maltoni, G et al.
- 1994. - 24 p.
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Book cover The European Community and the globalization of technology and the economy : final report / Muldur, U (ed.) ; Petrella, R (ed.) ; Colombo, M G (ed.)
EUR-15150. - Luxembourg : Euratom, 1994. - 540 p.

CERN library copies
Beam tests and calibration of the H1 liquid argon calorimeter with electrons / Andrieu, B ; Barrelet, E ; Bernardi, G ; Besançon, M ; Binder, E ; Blume, H ; Borras, K ; Boudry, V ; Brasse, F W ; Brisson, V et al.
- 1994. - 35 p.
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Electron/pion separation with the H1 LAr calorimeters / Andrieu, B ; Barrelet, E ; Bernardi, G ; Besançon, M ; Binder, E ; Blume, H ; Borras, K ; Boudry, V ; Brisson, V ; Bán, J et al.
- 1993. - 27 p.
CERN library copies
The H1 liquid argon calorimeter system / Andrieu, B ; Babaev, A ; Banas, E ; Barrelet, E ; Bassler, U ; Bernard, R ; Bernardi, G ; Bernier, R E ; Besançon, M ; Biasci, J C et al.
- 1993. - 64 p.
CERN library copies
Results from pion calibration runs for the H1 liquid argon calorimeter and comparisons with simulations / Andrieu, B ; Barrelet, E ; Bergstein, H ; Bernardi, G ; Besançon, M ; Binder, E ; Blume, H ; Borras, K ; Boudry, V ; Brasse, F W et al.
- 1993. - 24 p.
CERN library copies
Photoproduction generators at HERA / Brook, N ; Doyle, A T ; Forbes, J ; Bilenky, S M ; Brugnera, R ; Stanco, L ; Chyla, J ; Clegg, A B ; Hanlon, E M ; Colombo, M G et al.
In : Workshop on Physics at HERA, v.3, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 29 - 30 Oct 1991, pp.1221-1254
Cover not available Low-energy separated beam for stopped K mesons and antiprotons / Bamberger, Andreas
CERN-72-02. - Geneva : CERN, 1972. - 9 p.


CERN Document Server : Pronađeno je 15 zapisa   1 - 10slijedeći  idi na zapis:
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1 Colombo, George W
3 Colombo, Giovanni
4 Colombo, Giuseppe
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