CERN Accélérateur de science

CERN Document Server 5 notices trouvées  La recherche a duré 1.29 secondes. 
Fission Time Scales From Neutrons And Gamma Rays / Schmitt, R P ; Botting, T ; Chubarian, G G ; Wolf, K L ; Hurst, B J ; Jabs, H ; Hamelin, M ; Bacak, A ; Oganessian, Yu T ; Itkis, M G et al.
- 2001.
IN2P3 Publications database
A study of charge, energy and angular momentum transfer in the $^{56}$Fe + $^{197}$Au and $^{56}$Fe + $^{107,109}$Ag reactions at 7.2 and 8.3 MeV/nucleon / Wozniak, G J ; Mathews, G J ; Schmitt, R P ; Régimbart, R ; Hübel, H ; Diamond, R M ; Moretto, L G
- 1982. - 54 p.
CERN library copies
A study of $^{20}$Ne induced reactions with $^{nat}$Cu and $^{197}$Au at 8.6 and 12.6 MeV/nucleon / Mathews, G J ; Moulton, J B ; Wozniak, G J ; Cauvin, B ; Schmitt, R P ; Sventek, J S ; Moretto, L G
- 1981. - 48 p.
CERN library copies
Fast particle emission in the deep inelastic reaction nat$_{Cu}$ + $^{20}$Ne at 12.6 MeV/nucleon / Schmitt, R P ; Wozniak, G J ; Rattazzi, G U ; Mathews, G J ; Régimbart, R ; Moretto, L G
- 1980. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
Symposium on Hot Nuclei : Festschrift Texas A&M superconducting K500 cyclotron - Hot Nuclei   7 - 10 Dec 1987  - College Station, TX, USA  / Natowitz, J B (ed.); Schmitt, R P (ed.); Shlomo, S (ed.)
Singapore : World Scientific, 1988 - 497 p.

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