CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 29 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.67 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Shape study of the N=Z nucleus Kr72 via β decay / Briz, J A (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Nácher, E (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Borge, M J G (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia ; CERN) ; Algora, A (Valencia U., IFIC ; Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Rubio, B (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Dessagne, Ph (Strasbourg, IPHC ; CNRS, France) ; Maira, A (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Cano-Ott, D (Valencia U., IFIC ; Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Courtin, S (Strasbourg, IPHC ; CNRS, France) ; Escrig, D (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) et al.
The β decay of the N=Z nucleus $^{72}$Kr has been studied with the total absorption spectroscopy technique at ISOLDE (CERN). A total B(GT)=0.79(4)$g_{A}^{2}/$4π has been found up to an excitation energy of 2.7 MeV. [...]
APS physics, 2015 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 054326
High-sensitivity study of levels in $^{30}Al$ following β decay of $^{30}Mg$ / Olaizola, B (UCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.) ; Mach, H (UCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.) ; Fraile, L M (UCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.) ; Benito, J (UCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.) ; Borge, M J G (CSIC, Madrid) ; Boutami, R (UCM, Madrid, Dept. Phys.) ; Butler, P A (Liverpool U.) ; Dlouhy, Z (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst.) ; Fynbo, H O U (Aarhus U.) ; Hoff, P (Oslo U.) et al.
γ-ray and fast-timing spectroscopy were used to study levels in Al30 populated following the β− decay of Mg30. Five new transitions and three new levels were located in Al30. [...]
2016 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 94 (2016) 054318
Total absorption spectroscopy of 76 Sr with the Lucrecia spectrometer at ISOLDE / Nácher, E (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Algora, A (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Rubio, B (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Taı́n, J L (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Cano-Ott, D (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Borge, M J G (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Courtin, S (Strasbourg, IReS) ; Dessagne, Ph (Strasbourg, IReS) ; Escrig, D (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Fraile, L M (CERN) et al.
A new Total Absorption Spectrometer (TAS) called “Lucrecia” has been installed at ISOLDE (CERN) to investigate the β-decay of some nuclei with A≈70-80 in the vicinity of the N=Z line. In this work we report on the decay of the N=Z nucleus 76 Sr, measured with a TAS for the first time. [...]
2004 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 734 (2004) E84-E87
Spectroscopy of 21O through (d,p) reaction with the TIARA-MUST2-VAMOS-EXOGAM set-up / Fernández-DomÍnguez, B (Liverpool U.) ; Achouri, N. L (Caen U.) ; Al-Falou, H (Caen U.) ; Delaunnay, F (Caen U.) ; Orr, N. A (Caen U.) ; le Prince, A (Caen U.) ; Chartier, M (Liverpool U.) ; Pietras, B (Liverpool U.) ; Beaumel, D (Orsay, IPN) ; Curtis, N (Birmingham U.) et al.
Spectroscopy of 21O through (d,p) reaction with the TIARA-MUST2-VAMOS-EXOGAM set-up
- 07/04/08.
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Precision study of the $\beta$-decay of $^{62}$Ga / Dessagne, Philippe (IN2P3/CNRS) ; Cederkäll, J (CERN) ; Bergmann, U C (CERN) ; Blank, B (CENBG) ; García-Borge, M J (IEM) ; Cano-Ott, D (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Fraile-Prieto, L M (CERN) ; Franchoo, S (CERN) ; Fynbo, H (Aarhus U.) ; Gadea, A (Valencia U., IFIC) et al.
CERN-INTC-2008-017 ; INTC-SR-009.
- 2008.
B(GT) strength from $\beta$-decay measurements and inferred shape mixing in $^{74}Kr$ / Poirier, E (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Maréchal, F (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Dessagne, P (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Algora, A (CSIC Univ. of Valencia, Spain) ; García-Borge, M J (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid, Spain) ; Cano-Ott, D (CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) ; Caspar, J C (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Courtin, S (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Devin, J (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France) ; Fraile-Prieto, L M (CERN) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 2004 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004) 034307-034315 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
$\beta$-decay studies using total absorption techniques : some recent results / Algora, A ; Batist, L ; García-Borge, M J ; Cano-Ott, D ; Collatz, R ; Courtin, S ; Dessagne, P ; Fraile-Prieto, L M ; Gadea, A ; Gelletly, W et al.
$\beta$-decay experiments, are a primary source of information for nuclear structure studies and at the same time complementary to in-beam investigations far from stability. Although both types of experiment are mainly based on $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy, they face different experimental problems. [...]
2004 - Published in : Rev. Mex. Fis.: 50 (2004) , no. 2, pp. 5-10
In : 27th Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Taxco, Mexico, 5 - 8 Jan 2004, pp.5-10
Silicon strip detectors for radioactive beam experiments / Maréchal, F
In : 15th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, USA, 4 - 7 Nov 1998, pp.314-317
$\beta$-decay of $^{76}$Sr using the total absorption spectrometer "Lucrecia" at ISOLDE-CERN / Nacher, E (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Algora, A (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Rubio, B (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Taín, J L (Valencia U., IFIC) ; García-Borge, M J (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Cano-Ott, D (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Courtin, S (Strasbourg, IReS) ; Dessagne, P (Strasbourg, IReS) ; Escrig, D (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Fraile-Prieto, L M (Madrid U. ; CERN) et al.
2004 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 701 (2004) 252-256
In : International Conference on The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, Crete, Greece, 13 - 19 Jul 2003, pp.252-256
$\beta$-decay studies far from stability with the total absorption technique : the case of $^{76}$Sr / Rubio, B. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Nácher, E. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Algora, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Borge, M.J.G. (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Caballero, L. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Cano-Ott, D. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Courtin, S. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Dessagne, Ph. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Escrig, D. (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Fraile, L.M. (CERN) et al.
2005 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 752 (2005) 251c-254c
In : 22nd International Nuclear Physics Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 27 Jun - 2 Jul 2004, pp.251c-254c

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