CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 5 Datensätze gefunden  Die Suche hat 0.61 Sekunden gedauert. 
CEPC Technical Design Report: Accelerator / CEPC Study Group Collaboration
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large scientific project initiated and hosted by China, fostered through extensive collaboration with international partners. The complex comprises four accelerators: a 30 GeV Linac, a 1.1 GeV Damping Ring, a Booster capable of achieving energies up to 180 GeV, and a Collider operating at varying energy modes (Z, W, H, and ttbar). [...]
arXiv:2312.14363; IHEP-CEPC-DR-2023-01; IHEP-AC-2023-01.- 2024-06-03 - 1106 p. - Published in : Radiat. Detect. Technol. Methods: 8 (2024) , no. 1, pp. 1-1105 Fulltext: 2312.14363 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector / CEPC Study Group Collaboration
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community to explore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlying fundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal new physics. [...]
arXiv:1811.10545 ; IHEP-CEPC-DR-2018-02 ; IHEP-EP-2018-01 ; IHEP-TH-2018-01.
- 2018 - 424.
Holographic Thermalization in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity with de Sitter Boundary / Zhang, Shao-Jun (Sao Paulo U. ; Shanghai Jiaotong U.) ; Wang, Bin (Shanghai Jiaotong U.) ; Abdalla, Elcio (Sao Paulo U.) ; Papantonopoulos, Eleftherios (CERN ; Natl. Tech. U., Athens)
We introduce higher-derivative Gauss-Bonnet correction terms in the gravity sector and we relate the modified gravity theory in the bulk to the strongly coupled quantum field theory on a de Sitter boundary. We study the process of holographic thermalization by examining three non-local observables, the two-point function, the Wilson loop and the holographic entanglement entropy. [...]
arXiv:1412.7073.- 2015 - 25 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 106010 APS Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Dynamically generated gap from holography in the charged black brane with hyperscaling violation / Kuang, Xiao-Mei (Natl. Tech. U., Athens ; Valparaiso U., Catolica) ; Papantonopoulos, Eleftherios (Natl. Tech. U., Athens ; CERN) ; Wang, Bin (Shanghai Jiao Tong U.) ; Wu, Jian-Pin (Bohai U. ; Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.)
We holographically investigate the effects of a dipole coupling between a fermion field and a $U(1)$ gauge field on the dual fermionic sector in the charged gravity bulk with hyperscaling violation. We analytically study the features of the ultraviolet and infrared Green's functions of the dual fermionic system and we show that as the dipole coupling and the hyperscaling violation exponent are varied, the fluid possess Fermi, marginal Fermi, non-Fermi liquid phases and also an additional Mott insulating phase. [...]
arXiv:1411.5627.- 2015-04-24 - 20 p. - Published in : JHEP 1504 (2015) 137 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF;
The generalized second law of thermodynamics in the accelerating universe / Zhou, Jia ; Wang, Bin ; Gong, Yungui ; Abdalla, Elcio
2007 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 652 (2007) 86-91

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309 Wang, B
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3 Wang, B X
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