CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 6 Datensätze gefunden  Die Suche hat 0.54 Sekunden gedauert. 
Design and Fabrication of FRESCA2 Cryostat / Dallocchio, Alessandro (CERN) ; Carra, Federico (CERN) ; Tabian, Iuliana (CERN) ; Masci, Marco (CERN) ; Riffaud, Benoit (CERN) ; Zuccalli, Laurent ; Maire, Vincent ; Lombardo, Davide Maria (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT)) ; Debeux, Julien ; Rigutto, Emilien (CERN) et al.
In the framework of the High Field Magnet activities, a new FRESCA2 test station (Facility for Reception of Superconducting Cables 2) was designed and fabricated at CERN to measure superconducting cables in background magnetic fields. [...]
- 2022. - 5 p.
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New Generation CERN LHC Injection Dump - Assembly and Installation (TDIS) / Carbajo Perez, David (CERN) ; Berthomé, Emmanuel (CERN) ; Bertone, Caterina (CERN) ; Biancacci, Nicolo (CERN) ; Bracco, Chiara (CERN) ; Bregliozzi, Giuseppe (CERN) ; Bulat, Bartosz (CERN) ; Cadiou, Cyril (CERN) ; Calviani, Marco (CERN) ; Cattenoz, Gregory (CERN) et al.
During CERN’s LS2, several upgrades were performed to beam intercepting devices in the framework of the HL-LHC Project. Upgraded equipment includes two internal beam dumps (TDIS) intended for machine protection located at the injection points from the SPS to the LHC. [...]
Geneva : JACoW, 2021 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2021 (2021) 3548-3551 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.3548-3551
Dynamic Testing and Characterization of Advanced Materials in a New Experiment at CERN HiRadMat Facility / Bertarelli, Alessandro (CERN) ; Accettura, Carlotta (CERN ; Milan Polytechnic) ; Berthomé, Emmanuel (CERN) ; Bianchi, Laura (CERN) ; Bolz, Philipp (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Carra, Federico (CERN) ; Fichera, Claudio (CERN) ; Frankl, Matthias (CERN) ; Furness, Thomas (Huddersfield U.) ; Gobbi, Giorgia (CERN) et al.
An innovative and comprehensive experiment (named “Multimat”) was successfully carried out at CERN HiRadMat facility on 18 different materials relevant for Collimators and Beam Intercepting Devices. Material samples, tested under high intensity proton pulses of 440 GeV/c, exceeding the energy density expected in HL-LHC, ranged from very light carbon foams to tungsten heavy alloys, including novel composites as graphite/carbides and metal/diamond without and with thin-film coatings. [...]
CERN-ACC-2018-064.- 2018 - 8 p. - Published in : (2018) , pp. WEPMF071
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1067 (2018) 082021 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.WEPMF071
Crab cavity and cryomodule development for HL-LHC / Carra, Federico (CERN) ; Amorim Carvalho, Alexandre (CERN) ; Artoos, Kurt (CERN) ; Atieh, Said (CERN) ; Aviles Santillana, Ignacio (CERN) ; Belomestnykh, Sergey (RIKEN BNL) ; Boucherie, Antoine (CERN) ; Brachet, Jean-Pierre (CERN) ; Brodzinski, Krzysztof (CERN) ; Burt, Graeme (Lancaster U.) et al.
The HL-LHC project aims at increasing the LHC luminosity by a factor 10 beyond the design value. The installation of a set of RF Crab Cavities to increase bunch crossing angle is one of the key upgrades of the program. [...]
2015 - 7 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-SRF2015-FRBA02 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Whistler, Canada, 13 - 18 Sep 2015, pp.FRBA02
Engineering design and prototype fabrication of HOM couplers for HL-LHC crab cavities / Zanoni, Carlo (CERN) ; Atieh, Said (CERN) ; Aviles Santillana, Ignacio (CERN) ; Belomestnykh, Sergey (RIKEN BNL ; Stony Brook U.) ; Burt, Graeme (Lancaster U.) ; Calaga, Rama (CERN) ; Capatina, Ofelia (CERN) ; Capelli, Teddy (CERN) ; Carra, Federico (CERN) ; De Silva, Subashini (Old Dominion U.) et al.
The High-Luminosity upgrade for the LHC relies on a set of RF Crab Cavities for reaching its goals. Two parallel concepts, the Double Quarter Wave (DQW) and the RF Dipole (RFD), are going through a comprehensive design process along with preparation of fabrication in view of extensive tests with beam in SPS. [...]
2015 - 5 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-SRF2015-THPB069 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Whistler, Canada, 13 - 18 Sep 2015, pp.THPB069
Design and Prototyping of New CERN Collimators in the Framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) Project and the High-Luminosity (HL-LHC) Project / Nuiry, Francois-Xavier (CERN) ; Aberle, Oliver (CERN) ; Bergeret, Maxime (CERN) ; Bertarelli, Alessandro (CERN) ; Biancacci, Nicolo (CERN) ; Bruce, Roderik (CERN) ; Calviani, Marco (CERN) ; Carra, Federico (CERN) ; Dallocchio, Alessandro (CERN) ; Gentini, Luca (CERN) et al.
In the framework of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Injectors Upgrade (LIU) and the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) Projects at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, Switzerland), collimators in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) to LHC transfer lines as well as ring collimators in the LHC will undergo important upgrades in the forthcoming years, mainly focused during the Long Shutdown 2 foreseen during 2019-2020. This contribution will detail the current design of the TCDIL collimators with a particular emphasis on the engineering developments performed on the collimator jaws, aiming at getting a stringent flatness while consid-ering also the integration of thermal shock resistant materials. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-302.- 2017 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPAB006 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.MOPAB006

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2 Rigutto, E
1 Rigutto, E.
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