CERN Accelerating science

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Recoil-distance lifetime measurements of states in $^{47}V$ and $^{47}Ti$ induced by heavy-ion reactions / Toulemonde, M ; Schulz, N ; Merdinger, J C ; Engelstein, P
- 1976. - 10 p.
Mesures des vies moyennes des niveauz de 41K alimentes par les reactions 39K(t,p) et 27A1 (16O, 2p) / Merdinger, J C ; Chevallier, A ; Courdier, L ; Haas, B ; Styczen, J ; Taras, P
- 1976. - 19 p.
Favoured neutron excitations in superdeformed $^{147}$Gd / Theisen, C ; Vivien, J P ; Ragnarsson, I ; Beausang, C W ; Beck, F A ; Bélier, G ; Byrski, T ; Curien, D ; De France, G ; Disdier, D et al.
- 1995. - 15 p.
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High spin states in the nucleus $^{150}$Tb / Duchêne, G ; Petrache, C M ; Beausang, C W ; Beck, F A ; Byrski, T ; Curien, D ; Dagnall, P J ; Flibotte, S ; Forsyth, P D ; De France, G et al.
- 1994. - 18 p.
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Detailed level scheme of $^{151}$Tb and the feeding of the normal-deformed states by the superdeformed bands / Petrache, C M ; Duchêne, G ; Kharraja, B ; Beausang, C W ; Beck, F A ; Byrski, T ; Curien, D ; Dagnall, P ; Flibotte, S ; Forsyth, P D et al.
- 1994. - 25 p.
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Multi-particle excitation and identical bands in the superdeformed $^{149}$Gd nucleus / France-UK Collaboration
- 1993. - 16 p.
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$\Delta$ = 4 bifurcation in a superdeformed band : evidence for a C$_{4}$ symmetry / France-UK Collaboration
- 1993. - 16 p.
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Multi-particle excitations and identical bands in the superdeformed $^{149}$Gd nucleus / Flibotte, S ; Hackman, G ; Theisen, C ; Andrews, H R ; Ball, G C ; Beausang, C W ; Beck, F A ; Bélier, G ; Bentley, M A ; Byrski, T et al.
- 1993. - 14 p.
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Evidence for a two-phonon octupole vibrational state in $^{208}$Pb / Wollersheim, H J ; Egelhof, P ; Emling, H ; Gerl, J ; Henning, W F ; Holzmann, R ; Schmidt, R ; Simon, R S ; Martin, N ; Eckert, G et al.
GSI-91-41 ; GSI-PRE-91-41.
- 1991. - 24 p.
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High-spin structure of $^{189}$Tl : role of H$_{9/2}$ protons in the prolate minimum of light Hg isotopes / Porquet, M G ; Kreiner, A J ; Hannachi, F ; Vanin, V R ; Bastin, C ; Bourgeois, C ; Davidson, J ; Debray, M ; Falcone, G ; Korichi, A et al.
- 1991. - 20 p.
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