CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 16 записа  1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.72 секунди. 
Ageing test results for TRT straw cathodes / Grishkevich, Ya V ; Kramarenko, V A ; Larichev, A ; Majorov, S ; Smirnova, L
ATL-INDET-97-168 ; ATL-I-PN-168.
- 1997.
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MSGC on substrates with modified surface resistivity / Grishkevich, Ya V ; Larichev, A ; Smirnova, L ; Zhukov, V
ATL-INDET-94-064 ; ATL-I-PN-64.
- 1994.
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Observation of antitritium / Baldin, B Yu ; Grachev, M I ; Grishkevich, Ya V ; Khemints, G ; Khodrev, Yu S ; Khomenko, B A ; Khovanskii, N N ; Khromov, V P ; Krumshtein, Z ; Lapshin, V G et al.
1974. - 29 p.
An experiment for studying mechanisms of charmed particle production and decays in pA-interactions at 70 GeV/c / Ardashev, E N ; Bogolyubsky, M Yu ; Bulgakov, N K ; Burtovoi, V S ; Chekulaev, S V ; Chmill, V B ; Chuntonov, A V ; Tsyupa, Yu P ; Eremchenko, E ; Gavlitsky, A et al.
- 1996. - 48 p.
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Evidence for higher twist mechanisms in high p$_{T}$ - pi-p events with prompt rho0 production at 38 GeV/c / RISK Collaboration
E1-88-476 ; JINR-E1-88-476.
- 1988. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
Neutral strange particle production in high transverse momentum pi-nucleus interactions at .order of. 40 GeV/c / Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1987. - 33 p.
CERN library copies
Hadrons and gammas associated to dimuons and J/psi particles in pi-C interactions at 38 GeV/c / RISK Collaboration
E1-87-397 ; JINR-E1-87-397.
- 1987. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Charged particle spectra in pi-p, pi-d and pi-C interactions at 38 GeV/c with single-particle high p$_{T}$ trigger / RISK Collaboration
E1-87-398 ; JINR-E1-87-398.
- 1987. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Production of backward protons in lab system with 0.2-gev/c - 0.5-gev/c momenta in anti-p a interactions at 40-gev/c / Gabunia, L L ; Dzhavrishvili, A K ; Ivanova, A B ; Ioramashvili, E S ; Lomtadze, T A ; Mailian, E S ; Nikoladze, M I ; Razdolskaya, L A ; Chikovani, L D ; Shalamberidze, L B et al.
- 1986. - 12 p.
Search for neutral dibaryon with strangeness -2 in high transverse momentum pi- nucleus interactions at 40 GeV/c / Berlin-Budapest-Dubna-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi-Warsaw Collaboration
- 1986. - 15 p.
CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : Намерени са 16 записа   1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис:
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14 Grishkevich, Y
1 Grishkevich, Y V
3 Grishkevich, Y.
18 Grishkevich, Y.V.
4 Grishkevich, Ya
395 Grishkevich, Yaroslav
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