CERN Accélérateur de science

LHCb Note
Report number LHCb-2005-103 ; CERN-LHCb-2005-103
Title Performance of Long Ladders for the LHCb Silicon Tracker
Author(s) Agari, M ; Bauer, C ; Blouw, J ; Hofmann, W ; Knöpfle, K T ; Löchner, S ; Maciuc, F ; Schmelling, M ; Smale, N J ; Schwingenheuer, B ; Voss, H ; Pugatch, V ; Pylypchenko, Y ; Bay, A ; Bettler, M O ; Carron, B ; Fauland, P ; Frei, R ; Jiménez-Otero, S ; Nicolas, L ; Perrin, A ; Schneider, O ; Tran, MT ; Van Hunen, J J ; Vervink, K ; Vollhardt, A ; Adeva, B ; Esperante-Pereira, D ; Lois, C ; Pérez-Trigo, E ; Pló-Casasus, M ; Vázquez, P ; Bernhard, R P ; Bernet, R ; Gassner, J ; Köstner, S ; Lehner, F ; Needham, M ; Sakhelashvili, T M ; Steiner, S ; Steinkamp, O ; Straumann, U ; Volyanskyy, D ; Wenger, A
Series (Silicon Tracker)
Submitted by [email protected] on 24 Dec 2005
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; LHCb
Abstract The LHCb Silicon Tracker uses detector ladders with readout strips with an effective length of up to 36,cm. Kapton interconnect cables of up to 54,cm in length are employed in between silicon sensors and front-end readout hybrids. Fast front-end readout electronics with a shaping time of around 25,ns are employed to avoid pile-up of events from consecutive LHC bunch crossings. An extensive measurement program as well as simulations have been carried out to study the expected noise performance of these detectors. Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Chuzenji Lake, Nikko, Japan, November 7-11, 2005 Proceedings submitted for publication in Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A
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 Notice créée le 2006-05-03, modifiée le 2018-06-11

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